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Thankyou so much for 200K+ reads😭❤️ Never expected this, but really means a lot to me🥹💗🧿

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Everyone in the room looked at ram who was fuming in anger.

"Um bhai, he's Ashwin"


"Excuse me, I know priya from when she was a kid.." Ashwin said but ram said loudly making Priya flinch "PRIYA I WON'T REPEAT AGAIN.."

Ransh interrupted "Let's go out please.."

"No I'm not going out, jiju I won't tolerate if you make my sister cry.." Kabir stated sternly.

"I'm not leaving her alone with you.." Ashwin said and instantly a hard punch landed on his face.

Everyone gasped as it was Ram who took a quick long stride towards him and landed a splendid punch.

Priya's eyes pooled up as she stood shocked and frightened.

"Bhai.." Ransh almost shouted and held him back but ram easily pushed him away "Take everyone out.."

Kabir was about to say something but Priya said "Bhai please.."

Kabir glanced at her and stormed out. Natasha went behind him and Ransh helped Ashwin outside.

Ram locked the door and turned to Priya who feared her husband today. No words were coming out of her mouth.

Ram took a deep breath before stepping close to her. Priya flinched and stepped back until her back hit the wall.

Ram squeezed his eyes shut for seconds cursing himself to scare his love.

He opened his eyes to find tears rolling down her cheeks out of fear.

"Jaan.. I-.. I'm sorry.." He mumbled slowly.

Priya didn't speak a word and ram went to her. He took her in his embrace and she started sobbing trying to push him away.

But Ram held her tiny frame strongly against his strong and bulky body.

"Shh, I'm sorry... listen to me.."

But she struggled "Leave me...please let me go.."

It hurt him. He left her and she quickly moved back from him. She looked at his face which showed how hurt he was.

"I just couldn't see you in another man's arms. I know I overreacted but... I don't like that. I'm sorry to scare you... but I didn't like the way he was flirting with you. You're married to me, you're fucking mine Priya... I can't tolerate someone coming into our room and saying that you should've married him.. tell me which husband will be quiet and then you run into his arms like he's your lost lover!!" Ram vents.

"What are you saying? You're the love of my life.." Priya's voice breaks.

"Yes but I want you to understand how I must've felt.. I didn't intend to scare you or anyone or even hit that guy.. but he's behaving like a jerk.. I just want you to know that I'M VERY POSSESSIVE OF WHATS MINE and I was hurt the way everything happened infront of my eyes" saying so Ram stormed out of the room.

Priya went to the washroom and washed her face while the others gather in their room and waited for her to come out.

As soon as she was out, Kabir hugged her tightly "Are you okay princess?"

Priya hugged him back and nodded "Yes bhai.."

After they broke apart, she looked at Ashwin and said "I'm sorry for Ram's behaviour.."

"It's okay priya, but I hope he didn't hurt you.." Ashwin said coming closer.

"He would never hurt me.." Priya gave him a small smile and checked his jaw "Are you fine?"

"Yes, just a little bruise" Ashwin nodded.

"Bhabhi, I've never seen bhai this angry. He left the house when we were downstairs..." Natasha said worriedly.

"Even me nuts, bhai wasn't himself...I don't know what's happened to him.." Ransh voiced out this thoughts.

"Exactly! Jiju, I couldn't recognise him for a moment.. now I'm scared for my own sister.. princess come home with me.." Kabir said.

"Bhai I know you're worried for me but trust me, ram just didn't like the way Ashwin said those things about marrying me.."

"Still I understand he must've felt jealous but who behaves like that?" Kabir said.

"Exactly bhabhi, I think you should go with Kabir tonight. I'll talk to bhai and bring you back tomorrow" Ransh said.

Priya smiled "Relax Ransh, trust me I'm fine. I'll handle your brother.."

"But I'm really not happy with the way bhai behaved today.." Ransh said and others agreed with him.

"Yes bhai has scared me now" Natasha glanced at Kabir and he sighed.

"Nuts you don't worry, he was just a bit frustrated.." Priya said and Kabir immediately interrupted "A bit frustrated? Come on priya don't try to save him.."

"Bhai we should understand what he felt.. he didn't want to hurt anyone here..."

"Bhabhi please, Kabir is right.." Ransh said.

"Yes Priya, I'm meeting ram for the first ever time today and that's how he welcomes me? With a punch?" Ashwin said.

"I can understand that he's hurt everyone but please I'm worried about him. I don't know where he's gone and he was not in right mind..."

"Princess leave that and let's go home.." Kabir said to which priya shook her head "Bhai I'm not going anywhere.."

Natasha said "Let bhabhi be here, ransh bhai and I are here for her.."

Kabir cupped Priya's face and said "Take care and anything call me.." Priya nods with a small smile. He pecks her forehead "Love you"

"Love you too bhai" Priya hugged him one final time before he left with Ashwin.

A tear slipped down her cheek. Ransh and Natasha hugged her.

She broke apart and said "I'm worried for him.."

Ransh took his mobile and called ram but it went to his voicemail. Natasha too tried but the response was same.

Priya then texted him to come back but he would not reply.

"Ransh I'm not feeling good.." Priya felt anxious and they both tried to console her.

On the other side, Ram was driving the car in a rash way almost skipping the trucks and other vehicles from near hit.

But he took a sudden turn which made the car go hit in the tree and the glass shattered while blood flowed from his forehead as his head banged the steering.

"Sorry to make you cry jaan" He murmured dialling ransh's number. Just when Ransh picked up ram closed his eyes mumbling "Help.."


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Don't you guys feel ram will soon be exposed infront of everyone?🫢😅

But ah, it all depends on me if he should be exposed or not💀😂🙈

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