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Ram reached Sharma Enterprises and headed straight to Kabir's cabin. He opened it without knocking and at the same moment Kabir and priya turned their heads to the door.

Priya pulled away from the hug and looked at Ram with confusion.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you tell me you're at the studio?" Ram asked with a bit of anger lacing his voice.

He entered completely in and had his eyes fixed at priya.


"What happened at breakfast? Are you fine?" he asked instead looking all over her before looking back into her eyes.

"Nothing happened ram.." She murmured which made ram clench his jaw. He knows she's fucking lying to his face now.

"Well Jiju, aap yahan iss waqt?" Kabir interrupted feeling the tensed atmosphere.

Ram looked at Kabir "Um-yeah, thought to meet you, been a while so I was thinking if you me and Ransh should hang out but.." he returned his gaze to priya who was looking at him "..I got a surprise myself"

"You literally lied to me priya about being in the studio" He accused and priya snapped "Can't I come to meet my brother?"

Ram was a bit taken aback but he said a bit sternly "For meeting your brother you didn't have to lie to me that you're at the studio"

"It's not like I'm doing something wrong" Priya picked her hand bag and started to leave when ram stopped her by holding her wrist "What's gotten into you all of a sudden?"

Priya tried to remove his grip on her wrist when ram tightened it making her wince in pain "Ouch.."

He instantly left her wrist but already tears had formed in her eyes and slight red marks appeared on her wrist due to his tight hold.


But before he could complete, she stormed out of the cabin. Ram was about to move behind her when Kabir said "Jiju.."

He turned to him who said "She's a bit disturbed. I think it's best to leave her alone for sometime"

But ram being ram, ignored his suggestion and rushed out of the cabin which made Kabir sigh and shake his head.

Ram reached the exact time Priya was about to sit in the car. He pulled her arm which made her gasp as she came crashing to his chest.

"Ram choriye mujhe.." She struggled in his arms but he held her firmly around her waist and cupped one of her cheek "Shh! Relax.."

She stopped trying and looked into his eyes which looked concerned.

"I'm sorry but what happened? You look disturbed jaan" He asked softly to which tears formed in her eyes.

"Hey hey.." He left her waist and cupped her face caressing her cheek with his thumb pad "Jaan what is it?"

Priya told him whatever happened in the cafe and cried which made ram hug her to his chest and rub her back.

"I'm glad you trust me" He mumbled kissing her had quite a few times.

"Now stop crying for this silly thing. Ashwin has done wrong and you don't have to worry about anything now. I'll handle everything okay?" He said pulling her face up to look at him.


"Hmm" she hummed and snuggled back to his chest.

On the other hand, the reason ram gave didn't settle well with Kabir and he still had to find out how did Advik's number got blocked when Priya is sure that she didn't do it.

He called Ransh and asked "Hey buddy, did jiju anyhow inform you about the hangout he planned now between you me and him?"

"What? Hangout? Bhai? That too with you and me instead of bhabhi! Impossible" Ransh laughed it off.

"Well, he barged into my cabin sometime back and said that as the reason being here but now he went behind priya"

"I'm not getting anything Kabir" Ransh sat straight in his seat.

Kabir then explained everything to Ransh who went into thinking "But Ashwin played a disgusting game by involving so called Vikram into it"

"Yeah that's bad but I'm so confused right now plus I'm worried for my princess"

"Relax, let's just go with the flow for now. Don't take much stress I suggest you. Bhabhi is fine and happy.."

"Hmm, you're right Ransh. Okay I have a meeting now, I'll talk to you later"

"Bye" they disconnected with that.

Ram dropped priya at the studio and left to handle some serious business. He was boiling in anger.

"Meet me at this address (xyz)" He texted Vikram and left to the said place.

Ram reached the empty warehouse and checked Priya's location. He frowned seeing that she wasn't at the studio but on the way to the warehouse?? What the fuck!

He instantly checked her WhatsApp and saw that Vikram had forwarded her his message with a screenshot. Bloody fucker!!!

Ram ran his palm on his face "I'll fucking kill this Vikram!"

Soon enough, both Vikram and Priya entered the warehouse and Ram acted surprised "Jaan what are you doing here and that too with this asshole?"

"Ram.." Virak glared but Priya interrupted moving towards Ram with "Aap kya kar rahe hain yahan?"

"I called this guy to warn him to stay away from you.."

"That you could have done on a call too Ram" Vikram pushed his hands in his pant pockets.

"Well, I wanted to be sure that you get it right into your head to stay the fuck away from my wife" Ram gritted looking at Vikram.

Priya pressed his arm "Relax, you didn't have to do this Ram.."

Ram then looked at her "Why are you even here with him? Did he call you? Why would you even talk or listen to him priya!?" He asked angrily.

Priya flinched a bit removing her hand from his arm "Woh.. I came to just check on you if you're fine and why you had called him to a deserted place"

"You should have blocked this guy by now" Ram gritted looking at her with anger.

Priya looked down and Ram said "We'll talk once I finish it up with him"

With that he stepped towards Vikram with "Go and tell your dear friend to stay away from my wife or else you guys won't be able to see another day in your life"

"Look Priya, I didn't even do anything much and he's threatening to kill Ashwin and me.. look how crazy and dangerous this guy is"

"You didn't do anything much?" Ram fisted his hands on his ether sides trying to control himself from beating the shit out of this guy which he had planned earlier.

"YOU'RE MANIPULATING MY WIFE AGAINST ME, TRYING TO BREAK MY HOME! SHE ISN'T JUST ANYTHING BUT EVERYTHING TO ME" Ram yelled before grabbing his collar and pulling him closer as Vikram stumbled in his strong grip.

Priya shuddered but she instantly rushed next to Ram and tried to free Vikram "Leave him ram, please don't do this.."

Ram left Vikram with a hard push which landed him on the floor with a wince.

"I'll not leave you nor your bloody friend" Ram threatened Vikram before holding Priya's wrist and dragging her out to his car.


A quicker update for y'all amazing people ❤️🫂 Hope you guys like the update🙈💕

Do vote and comment pleaseeeeeeee😭❤️

Ps : What do you think is gonna happen in the next update🫢💀

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