Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Paige POV

What would you do if a 6'2 beast loomed above you? I could ask Google the question. However, she had pinned me.

"Mate." She snarled again, this time louder. Her head jerked back, and her teeth became longer.

"No!" I yelled as I pressed into her massive, strong chest. "Please. I'll get in trouble if you mark me." Sparks flew through my hands. The need for her to mark me grew in me, leading me to sweat all over it, most likely because her bare body came close to touching mine.

"I..." I couldn't breathe with her penetrating oceanic blue eyes looking at me like this.

My body was becoming hotter, and without my understanding, my hands were traveling over the outline of her body. Oh God, I fucking want her.

"We cannot..."

"My Father..." I panted. She gnashed violently, and I cowered backward, my hands falling limp to the side of my hot body. I felt heat between my legs, of all places. "He disapproves."

"Mate." Her deep voice hissed, sending a watery impact between my legs. I felt my legs being ripped wide by nothing but myself and an eager hand moving through her air, and as my hip rose to contact her firm stomach, I began to grind on her.

She remained rigid against me. Just gazing.

But I kept rubbing up against her like a whore.

"I desire you, but my father says you're not suitable for me." I protested.

"Mate!" She snarled again. I grinned, then huffed.

"Don't you say other words."

"I don't speak much." Her husky voice came out as a snarl rather than pleasantly. She truly was the alpha. They don't speak gently. They practically barked commands. Her fingernails were claws, not ordinary nails, and they padded on my cheeks. "I've wanted you for so long." She attempted to whisper. Her lips came down to mine, and she saw that I made no attempt to push her away. She kissed me forcefully.

Her fangs grew longer again, and they bit into my mouth, sucking blood. I was a whimpering mess underneath her. I wanted nothing more than to be beneath her.

I felt my fingers grab for her cock and gladly shove it against my bare entrance. I struggled and gasped as only the tip managed to expand my pussy.

"Oh, Fuck!" My small snarl came out.

Her lips lowered to my neck, and she began sniffing and sucking my neck. She pushed her tip forward, and I could feel my virgin cunt expand. "Ah! No!" I shoved at her. Her snarl came.

I whimpered but was still able to shove her out of my pussy.


"I know," she snarled.

Her hands grasped the small of my waist, and she wrapped both of my legs around her waist.

"You can take it. You were meant to take it, my little mate."

I whimpered as her blistering lips brushed the collar of my neck. She nibbled there, and I knew it was a horrible idea, but I didn't care. I let out a grunt as her tip poked me once again.

"It hurts!"

"Shh." She gently held my thighs and began to make her way inside me, but she didn't go very far since we could hear several footfall coming this way.

She hissed in irritation, yet she gently pecked my lips. "I need to go. I assumed the next time I saw you, you'd reject me."

I instantly shook my head after hearing her whimper. I tried to grab her, but she flew out the window, turned into her wolf, sprang into the moonlight, and disappeared into the dark forest, where her black coat blended seamlessly with the dark trees.

The door broke opened and I hurriedly placed the sheet over me. My father stormed in, blowing violently through his nostrils. My fretful mother trailed after him.

"You let that disgusting mongrel touch you."

"She's not a mutt; she's my mate."

He roared, yanking me from my bed and throwing me to the side, and my body stumbled into the chair.

"Please, honey; she's only thrilled to meet her. Everything will be better if you hurry up the process of her mating with Ryan."

He stared at his Luna. "It isn't time yet. I want her to understand on her own and to stay away from her." He directed his look at me. "I will make a wide statement tomorrow and quadruple the number of border guards."

"No!" I shouted at him, and he backhanded me in the face, sending me flying into the surrounding wall with the chair. "You cannot keep her away from me."

"You'll see about it." He let out a snarl.

"Close the windows and watch the exterior of the balcony." He issued orders to his men.

They nodded as they started to get into position.

"I want you away from her." 

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