Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Paige POV

Sebastian laughed as if she had heard the best joke in history, but Emilia and I gazed at each other, as perplexed as ever.

"We're serious about this." Emilia murmured, holding back a spat. "It's the only way to be free and with your partner."

"Slow your horses." Her laughter faded slowly as she raised her hand. "Confronting your father is like us vs. the world. He'll win."

"Build your own army, and we'll help you battle."

"I perceive you are a fighting wolf."

"I am." Emilia spoke boldly. "I've fought many of your sort, rogues."

"You wouldn't survive a second with me." Sebastian exalted herself.

Emilia was flexible, but Sebastian had more experience. However, it was not the time or place to discuss who would win a duel.

"Are you really sure. You are no longer an Alpha, thus all of your small strength is gone."

"I don't need a pack to gain strength."

I sighed, having had enough of their back-and-forth. "Can we focus?"

"Even if we have the strongest fighters, if we don't have a strategy for dealing with the situation, we will lose."

"Well, we should try." Emilia grimaced.

"Slow down. I previously informed Paige that we needed to find out the regulations. It would end in violence, and we would all be punished if we did not follow a thorough strategy."

"What if we pitched in different packs? They have elders." I stated. I was exerting all of my willpower to get around the situation.

"Each elder is supposed to protect the knowledge and order inside their pack; distributing it to another member is prohibited."

"We should find something out sooner rather than later." I couldn't stop staring at her. Her perfume was everywhere, and I was battling every bone in my body not to pounce on her.

Even though she wasn't an alpha, she talked with the authority of one. I suppose once an alpha, always an alpha.


"Where you been?" Our father's voice roared, and I quickly fell behind Emilia. Her body shielded me from his stare. "I want you to conduct border checks." He spoke to Emilia. "And you're meant to help your mother with lunch."

We all have obligations. Which was slightly OK. I was in charge of laying the table, cooking a couple of meals, and collecting everyone together. Emilia was assigned a more challenging assignment alongside her partner.

"We take a short walk. I convinced Paige to be Ryan's mate."

My body felt stone cold since we hadn't had any chat like that; nonetheless, there was a lower probability of us stumbling into our father.

He's generally on the border, keeping a close eye on things, or at his office, rushing through paperwork.

"Enough with convincing her; she doesn't have a choice and should understand it."

"Yes, Father." Emilia spoke. I was ready to object, and as if she sensed it, she spoke up fast. "Should I still go and perform border checks?" Her eyes stare at me. I fought back a melancholy sigh. Seeing my father or even being in his presence these days makes me feel uneasy.

I felt comfortable wandering throughout the streets of the human village. I felt secure with Sebastian, and perhaps if my father had been unaware of the whole situation, I might have stayed with him.

"You may."

Emilia took off fast, followed by me.

"We need to speak his language. Nothing more," she muttered. I looked back, and I could still feel his gaze on us, a sneer on his face. He seems to know something we may know. I gently bowed my head at Emilia's somewhat distant voice. I wasn't dumb. But I suspected he was on to us. 

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