Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Paige POV

I could hear my mother's frightened voice as she shook me out of my slumber. I let out a sigh. "What!"

"What you and her are doing needs to stop."

"What you and dad are doing should be stopped." I scowled and sat up in bed. Her gaze moved down to my body, and I realized my robe was undone when the early air scorched my flesh.

"Are you having sex with her?" She cried.

"She's my mate; we're meant to be doing that."

"No, you must be acquainted with Ryan."

I scoffed. "Why don't you go tell Ryan that if he keeps his dick in his trousers, I will keep my robe closed."

What Emilia stated was arbitrarily crushed in my mind.

When Sebastian was around, things improved. I wanted to ask Sebastian a number of questions, but given how little time we have, I'd rather spend it kissing and touching her.

"I'll simply wash and put on some perfume and say nothing to Dad about this."

"If you could just stop making things tough."

"Me. The only regret I actually have is that I thought it was safe to tell anyone that I had discovered my mate, the one that Goddess had given me." I felt tears well up in my eyes. If there weren't so many red flags surrounding me, Sebastian and I would be mates and very much in love. I'd be able to transform into my wolf.

I'd be able to have her children. So much was quietly slipping away.

"Please be dressed properly, we all will be going over to the Dark Moon pack, so they can meet their soon to be Luna."

"I'm not mating with him!" I yelled.


"It doesn't have to be this awkward between us. It's been days since you last chatted with us." Ollie murmured with grief in her voice, softly squeezing my hand, but I ripped it away forcefully.

"The only thing you guys need to understand is not to reveal where my mate is." I scowled at the lovers. I felt jealous of them. All of them make me jealous.

The affection they have for each other has become so intense that I don't know what to say. I only get to see her for a few minutes.

"We swear we didn't. Your secret is safe with us. Right, Deno?" She glanced to Deno and nodded. I felt a jolt in my heart when he didn't respond right away. He was not to be trusted.

"You rot, and I'll make sure to pull your heart out personally."

"Don't worry, I didn't tell. But perhaps I will."

"Deno." Ollie snarled at him.

"We don't owe you anything." Deno hissed as he went forward, and I didn't back away; our foreheads were mashed together, our eyes burning with fury and hatred.

Deno was my best buddy. Now he wasn't. Because I will protect my mate at any costs.

"Enough, we are calling attention to ourselves." Ollied hissed as she yanked him from me. I could see he was going to transform as dark brown hair sprouted down his face. Ollie gave him a hug. "Look, we don't know anything. We say nothing. We owe it to her to keep our mouth quiet."

"Fine." He gritted. As he dragged her along, he turned slightly and glared at me. "But keep the fuck out of our path!"

"It's my pleasure, Jackass."

When they departed. I exhaled. "Paige!" Emilia called. I turned to see her, holding the door open. "Let's go."

I do not want to! I barked via the mindlink that we used from time to time.

Her eyes looked down at me. 'i know, but you have to. Remember that you must know how to play the game in order to win it.'

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