Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Paige POV

"What should we tell the elders?" Emilia inquired in frustration. I've been nagging her about going to the elders for information. "Haven't you seen that, dad? Tell everyone about your cursed mate."

"She's banished, not cursed." I corrected beneath my breath. "I just want—" she drew me to the side, where no one could hear us.

"We can't question them about Sebastian. She's been expelled, and that's it. I understand you want to live happily ever after, but the action she made was incorrect."

"You mentioned she was an excellent leader." I declared. "What changed?" I asked.

"She was a fantastic leader of this pack, maybe the finest, but her actions in having you were unnecessary and inappropriate. She was ready to kill our father."

"Liar." I scoffed. Why did I keep hearing more and more stories about her, none of which were good? Was Sebastian pretending to be innocent while, in reality, she was that cunning alpha? Was there a chance she was just like my father? No! She had to be different. I felt secure being with her. I knew it was the mate pull, yet I felt comfortable overall.

"She intended to take you away from us. From Mom. You were still licking her nipples."

I grumbled, rolled my eyes, and was ready to turn away when she grabbed my arms. "Sebastian Vinson has been exiled and will remain so indefinitely. Run away with her."

I grabbed her and pulled her close. "You know it's not that easy. I thought you were different." I snapped and moved away from her. As the days passed, I understood that no one was trustworthy.

"I was the one who helped you, shielding her fragrance. I stood up for you two days ago."

"Thanks. That's exactly what you want to hear. Thank you for doing the bare least for me as a blood and close sister."

"Why are you like this?"

"Because I'm relentless. I need my mate in my arms, sleeping, being with, and fucking me. Just like you have yours."

"And I told you to run away."

"I don't want to. I'll do anything it takes to get her to reclaim her rank."

"Even if it costs a life?"

"Even if it cost a life." I said in earnest. We looked one other in the eyes, and she backed away when she realized I was serious.

"A lot of people will die to find out the truth."

"As long as it is not Sebastian, I am fine with it."

She gently grasped my hands, her lips pursed in a sorrowful smile. "What about me?"

"I don't care; the moment I believe you're fighting against me, we're enemies."

She groaned, running her finger through her hair and looking around. "I will help." She muttered slightly above a whisper. "I will help." She spoke a bit louder.

My brows lowered into a frown. "You will?" I asked, not expecting her to agree; she had just expressed misgivings seconds before.

"I will. But we still can't go into the elders' spaces. We need to know how to ask the questions."

"Sebastian stated it."

"So what do we do?"

"We have to look back in time, and who knows what occurred 23 years ago, when I was a baby?"

I could think of several wolves, but with my father present, I knew we wouldn't get anything out of them. It was already established that my mate had been expelled, and everyone knew this a long time ago; I was just the one to kick the nest and let everything to crumble.

"Do you recall much of what happened to Sebastian?"

"I was simply a kid. One moment she was the alpha, the next everyone was yelling "vote." Her own door had closed on her." She whispered. We shifted from one spot to another, eventually finding ourselves wandering through the woodland, which was the only location safe enough to communicate but not safe from the rogues.

Rogues! That was it.

As I glanced at Emilia, I realized she was kept in the dark about everything. "We talk to rogues." It was actually the only shot. The rogues who used to be in the pack must have known something about Sebastian and what occurred that day.

She sneered, shaking her head in incredulity. "You have lost your mind.

"It is worth every shot. It is the only chance."

"And where can we find them?" Because they're in hiding." Her nose began to smell the air, and when she found nothing, she shook her head, her hand sliding to her side as she gazed about.

"Would they not be here? Not part of the community, simply there." I responded, pointing through the leaves to where we could see the cabin dwellings. The renegade wolves resembled, within their own borders, a piece of territory that no one claimed.

"Sebastian knows where."

"No." She mumbled, shaking her head since she knew exactly what I was thinking. I pounced joyfully onto her.

"You'll get to meet her, and you two can catch up."

"Her and I weren't officially friends; yeah, she'd throw a ball at me like I was a playful puppy, but we weren't."

"Well, you two may be friends now."

"Do you know where she lives?"

"With humans."

Emilia shivered. She was raised the old-fashioned way, to avoid people, and now that we had to go into their territory, I knew that didn't set well with her.

"We go in and out and don't rub up against her."

I moaned, glancing down, unsure whether I could actually see Sebastian without 'rubbing up' on her.

"I know it's difficult, and I know the mating bond grows strong, but remember how to play the game to win." 

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