Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Paige POV

Deno gagged and stiffed me. We were in the forest, looking for my soul mate, but I couldn't scent her. "No offense, but your partner stinks like a renegade."

"Because she is." I said. Deno and Ollie, who are mates, chose to help me after much pleading, kneeling, and influencing.

"No wonder your father is so upset. Your companion smells."

Ollie whacked him on his strong forearm. Though they didn't realize they were soulmates until they were sixteen, Ollie and Deno were truly meant to be together, and I could feel the energy between them moving. Ollie was always there, and Deno was always naive to it.

"Last night, she smelled amazing." I purred as I hopped and danced on the dry limbs on the woodland floor.

"Was she with you last night? I'm curious how she got past the border patrols."

"I don't care; she did, and I nearly threw myself at her."

"You're meant to do that. I felt horrible." Ollied said. "You are the only wolf in the pack that hasn't found a mate, aside from the little pup. I think your father is quite unjust."

"I disagree." Deno remarked this while sniffing the air. Every time he smells her, we would follow that trail.

Like all other wolves, Deno had an excellent nose, but his tended to heighten, and he served as my father's guide.

"And, why?" Ollie murmured as she crossed her arm across her chest, a scowl forming on her thin lips. She was little in stature, but her sandy brown wolf was quite the contrary. I envied everyone for their lovely lives with their mates. I was deep in the wilderness looking for mine.

"Her father,..."

"I don't care what my father said; once I find her and hear her side of the tale, I'll know what to do."

"Well, you found her." Deno replied, his hand combing a part of the thick branches.

We were looking at a huge backyard. "This area stinks of humans. "We have to be cautious."

"We are somewhat human, you moron." Ollie whispered as she pushed by him and stepped into the soft grass of the garden.

"You understand what I mean. If something goes wrong, we can't shift, and the human doesn't even know we exist." Deno said.

"Believe me, they do; they simply don't know whether to believe it." I pushed past him as well. Both Ollie and I switched our focus to him, who was somewhat obscured by the trees.

"Come on, fool!" Ollie motioned for him to come, but he shook his head. "I don't want your little companion ripping me to bits; I can actually smell her. She is a freaking beast." He yelps as he hears a branch crack in the distance.

I groaned, "Ollie, remain with him, and I'll see if she's there."

She rolled her eyes and strode back into the deep forest. "You are such a coward!"

I gradually move away from the squabbling couples. It made me worry if I would argue with her. Then then, she doesn't say much, so there may not be much bickering. Again, my wolf was thrilled as I smelled her overpowering aroma. I stepped to the side of the home, attempting to figure out how to go inside. The front door was a start, but nah.

Her house was pretty huge, and I'm curious how she afforded it. Did she kill someone to acquire it? I felt bad instantly after that thought, because it meant my father's dictation was reaching me. I walked to the side, and just up at the top, a sliding window was cracked open. I climb the railing and then reach the roof, where I jump and lock my fingertips to the edge.

"Fuck." My strained voice growled as I pushed myself up. I slipped the window open and slithered through it like a worm.

I could feel myself going through another heat wave as her scent became even more intense.

When I looked around the room, it appeared to be a bedroom. I attempted to listen in to see if I could hear her blood moving through her heart or even her pulse, but I couldn't; perhaps my senses weren't sharp enough.

My fingertips move along the bed frame, making their way to the wall. I want her to know that I was present and that I was marking my territory. I forced my way into her drawers and began rummaging through them until I came to a drawer containing hundreds, if not thousands, of photographs of myself.

I grabbed them up and went through them all. She'd been either an angel watching over me or a crazy compulsive stalker.

I'll pick the first excuse to soothe the chill in my bones.

She had images of me from when I was a kid, when I was a nerdy teenager, and even when I was an adult; she had been following me all these years. I felt another shudder run down my spine when a revelation dawned on me. What if she's watching me right now?

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