Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Paige POV

"I hope you like the tea?" Elder Brown stated. My buttocks try to wiggle on the chair, attempting to become comfortable. My confusion stemmed from the fact that I was sitting on what appeared to be a steel chair and holding a cup of tea. I assumed I would have been placed in a jail cell by now.

"You want to know something." Elder Thomas spoke, his eyes shining with joy.

"How do you know? I may simply be visiting."

"No one comes to these lonely parts of the woods, simply for a visit, and they always want to load their heads with information." Elder Hunter spoke. There were four Elders in each pack.

They dwell in a little hut full with books and orders. They were essentially animals, thus they lived in the deepest part of the woods. They were a hybrid of humans and wolves. They feature pointed ears, sharp white teeth, and hair on various regions of their bodies. They appear to be rather terrifying. And when I looked at them, they didn't seem like someone I should trust.

"I wanna know—"

"They constantly want to know." Hunter scoffed as he gazed at the Elder Brown and sitting on the sofa, with a cup of tea in her hand. Their eyes appeared to be hiding a lot.

"Oh, Hunter, show some manners and let the youngster speak. Ask away, dear." Her cracked grin appeared.

"Uhm, sure. I want to know whether what I said is just between us." I gazed at them all, attempting to understand their body language.

'Do not trust them,' my wolf warned. I nodded.

"We serve the Pact, not the Alpha."

"That is not what I heard, from historical sources, of course." The tea's steam was causing me to perspire, or perhaps it was the awkward position I was in with strange beings looking at me as though they were trying to devour me.

"History has a way of writing itself."

"What do you mean?"

"We previously served the alpha, but not anymore. They no longer need us with the arrival of the new Alpha." Elder Brown spoke.

"I only intervene when they encounter a roadblock. "Like you." Elder Bishop scoffed as he stepped through the kitchen's small threshold. He had a larger physique, and his nose sniffed the air.

"Ah, you want to hear about Sebastian. The banished Alpha."

I swallowed, my perspiration getting so bad that it was starting to burn my skin. I was practically getting roasted. "Ah, uh?"

"Don't act foolish." A growl rose from the depths of his gut, and his hot breath was in front of my face. "You've heard me."

"I do. But I am also—."

"You want—"

"Don't scare the girl." Elder Brown scolded.

He grunted and moved away. His hand brushed over his unruly hair. His fangs were bigger and rested on the chin of his mouth.

"You may ask everything you want to know."

I didn't want to waste anymore time sitting in the cabin with them. So I asked. If I'd known, I'd have brought Emilia along, but she was busy and would have talked me out of it. Seeing as how easy (well, almost easy) it was to chat to them, perhaps I can use them to bring my father down.

"Why was she actually banished?"

Elder Brown interrupted Hunter as he was about to respond by tapping the top of his knee.

"Well, the stories have been recounted thousands of times, and each time they are told, they become different. But we knew the truth. We knew Sebastian. We adore and appreciate Sebastian. She made us feel important."

"Then why banish her?"

"She wasn't exiled because she wanted to imprint on you, but because she intended to kill your mother. Your mother was breastfeeding you when she attacked."

"Well, not technically assaulted." Hunter stated. "More like a demand, and your father, the drama queen, blows it out with rage. He claimed his life was in danger, shed a few tears, and hugged you up with that pathetic face, and we all voted for her expulsion, which would make your father, who was a Beta, the new Alpha of the pack."

"That's crap."

"That's exactly what I was saying." Hunter murmured.

"Your father is a little shit, and he basically tricked everyone into siding with him."

"Does this indicate Sebastian is innocent?" 

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