Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Paige POV

I awoke early, before even the border guards, and raced into the bathroom, dousing myself in men's body wash to get rid of her aroma. It was the least I wanted to do, but anything to keep her safe.

My body slumped against the bathroom walls as the water poured painfully slowly over me. Despite the cold, I could feel the heat overwhelming my body as I remembered her almost taking me last night. I wanted her to. I really want her to take me. I wanted to feel her full cock, pressing till it filled me up.

I wanted to scream and yell her name as she entered me, twisted me up, and forced me to have her pup.

Before I knew it, my fingers were being stroked into my slit, and I was moaning as I shoved my fingers into me, my free hand rubbing on my clit, as she envisioned herself pinning me against this same wall, the water raining on us, and her taking me. I groaned above the drizzle as I thrust more faster and harder, wanting her every touch to be imprinted on my bed.

My eyes closed momentarily as I envisioned her genuine alpha eyes, her massive hands gliding over my body, then resting against my neck and strangling me as her cock choked me to accept it.

Oh, God! I almost shrieked in Euphoria as I imagined myself about cum. I clutched onto the walls as my push grew slow and pleasurable. I imagined what she might say into my ear.

'Fuck little mate, you're so gorgeous, taking my fingers like this,' her body would press me to the wall, and her fingers would pump me just like this. Slow, very slow. So slow that my eyeballs fell to the back of my skull, and I cried about how much I love her.

"I truly do love you?" I panted out, not sure whether I should have spoken it, but when I opened my eyes, I saw nothing. It was just me and my imagination again.

I sneered as I stepped out of the restroom, smelling like a male. It was better that I smelled that way. I rushed directly into my sister, who grinned as her gaze wandered over the towel I had securely wrapped around my chest and my nervous demeanor.

"What?" I snapped.

She glanced up and down the corridor before giving that 'I know your secret' look. We have each other's secrets. It was a sisterhood thing. "Don't you look like a mess?" She teased. "I know what you did last night."

"I didn't do anything."

She scoffed. "Tell that to Daddy and Mommy. I am your sister, and I know everything. I know how you two almost fucked."

I forced her into the wall and placed my palm over her lips to quiet her. We might not know who is listening. "Do not speak a word." I grimaced and moved my hand away.

"I don't need to say anything; you reeks of a fifty-year-old rogue."

"That's how long she has been exiled."

"I mean, if you had attended the meetings instead of sleeping with her, you would have learned that knowledge."

"I'm sorry, I was occupied," I murmured.

"I'm not opposed to your little meeting in your room." She winked and bounced her hips against mine.

I yelped when my side hit the walls. "But if you don't want to smell like a wet mutt, I recommend you come to my room." She muttered as she walked away. "Now!"

"Oh." I dashed after her along the corridor.

She peeked down the corridor again before inviting me into her room, where her partner was asleep. I could tell they were up to something between yesterday night and this morning based on the ripped garments. Everyone gets to be with their soulmate, whereas I was probably shipped off with a jerk.

"Don't worry about him; he's knocked out. Long night."

My face scrunched as I gently proceeded past the bed and into her walk-in closet, which was loaded with both of their things. She stands directly at the drawer, a sneer on her lips. "This works like magic for a sneaky little wolf like you." Her fingers pitter patter against the drawer as she carefully slides up to the handle. I was left looking in confusion. What was she aiming to achieve with her actions?

"I deliver to you perfume, often known as toilet d' eau."

My mouth hung, confusing me even more. What was the toilet water going to do for me?

"This baby." She began by taking up a little vial filled with a pink liquid. She sprayed lightly, and the room was filled with the scent of peach roses in seconds.

"It smells nice." I replied, but I doubt it could hide my fragrance.

"Just what you need after having sex."

I blushed crimson. I reached for the bottle. "I didn't have sex with her." I spoke in an ashamed tone. "Only barely."

"Listen, sis, I won't stop you from your little secret meet-up and such, but you're playing a very risky game, and you need to play it well." She stated this while taking the container from me and spraying the entire chemical on me.

I coughed, and a tot of it entered my mouth.


"You do this after every meeting with her, and our father will not suspect a thing." She advised. "Here, grab a couple more and let them serve."

"I could hug you."

"Don't. You smell like a wet mutt."

"Thank you." I whispered, cradling the perfume bottles against my breast. 

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