Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Paige POV

The first thing I saw when the car drove through the gate of The Blood Moon pack was the sadness of the folks who remained. There was no delight. There are no kids playing. Everyone looked to be working, and I realized straight soon that all I wanted to do was go home.

I held Emilia's hand throughout, and we largely communicated via mindlink to keep things quiet.

As we drove up the stoney road, Ryan, his father, and his Beta and Delta were right there. I worried as I remembered the vanishing mark. What would I tell them if they found it gone?

So far, my father has not seen it, but given Ryan's arrogance, he will be hunting for a mark.

"What do I do?" I inquired via the mind link with Emilia. "The mark is gone."

"Tell them that your body rejected it and it heal."

I nodded. The car came to a halt, and I was the last to get out, and I wouldn't have if my father hadn't sent a caustic threat across the mindlink. I hesitantly slipped off the car seat and collided with a wall. Ryan himself was the wall.

"What are you looking at?"

His finger pushed my chin up, allowing him to see my entire neck, which was now free of the mark.

"My body rejected it." I gritted.

"It would have taken longer than that." He let out a snarl.

"Well, this is my body. And I'm telling you— " He grabbed my jawline, forcing my mouth close.

"You think you're smart?"

"What seems to be the problem here?" With a murderous stare fixed on his palm that was resting on my face, Emilia let out a snarl. "Remove it."

"She's my mate now." He spoke in a low tone.

"You'll see about it after we find the truth."

Ryan scoffed, chest puffed out as he shoved me aside and squared up to Emilia. "Unless you want me to beat your ass, I think you should back off." She let out a roar. Emilia was a warrior.

I've seen her beat a few rouges previously, but I don't think she's up to the challenge of an alpha.

"Emilia, come." I whispered.

"No, this young child should be put in his place."

"How dare you talk to an alpha that way."

"What do you know about a true alpha? Touch her again, and I'll bite your hands off. You don't have her yet?"

"Of course he does." My dad stepped in. His squared shoulder pushed Emilia out of the path, and she stared at him.


"I do not want to hear another word from any of you." He pointed to both Emilia and myself.

"Whatever I say goes. You will stay with Ryan, even if I have to force you to." He threatened. I whimpered and slowly backed away.


"The job of the Luna is straightforward." Ryan stated. "This is quite easy. You watch after the pack when I, the alpha, leave. You wash. You cook. You clean with other girls and do your tasks in bed."

I growled, but he smacked me across the face. I grasped my cheek to stop the sting. My gaze darted over to my father, who had witnessed the entire episode. To my surprise, he lifted his thumb up. He was allowing it.

"I won't be your slave."

He slapped me again. "It is your duty. Once I've imprinted on you and made you my official mate, I'll have to break you."

"Go, break your mother!" Iyelled.

He prepared to administer another smack, but his hand was seized by larger arms; I glanced up, astonished to see my father.

"Don't get too carried away." He grunted. I turned to face my father. "Do you shove Mom around like this?"

"I don't need to push her around; she understands her place." He said. "And I urge you understand your responsibilities."

"I hate you."

"You despised yourself. Because you want to lie with a nasty mutt. Some mutt that takes the life of an innocent."

"Maybe she should end your life. All of you!" I fumed violently.

"That is why I will hunt her down and murder her."

My rage dissipated, and terror replaced it. "No." I muttered, clutching my father's hand. "Please don't touch her. She is not doing anything."

"Where has the tough girl act gone? Goon so soon, huh? You should get your act together."


Ryan and I went for a walk around the community. As wolves, we are more connected to nature, and most dwellings are made of logs rather than bricks. Higher-ranking wolves and pack houses are made of brick, whereas average wolf dwellers are built of logs and wood.

Rather than listening to Ryan, I was staring down at the rocky path until I started to feel a tingling sensation in my back that brought me to my knees. I grunted in pain as the strike left me gasping for air and spit streaming from my mouth into the dusty asphalt.

"You are really fuckin disrespectful. I'm showing you around my neighborhood; the least you can do is be involved."

"Fuck you!" I panted as I slowly regained normal airflow through my lungs.

He scooped me up by the back of my neck, his hot breath reaching my ear.

"I truly don't want to be with someone like you. Compare to all the girls I fucked, up until last night, you are the ugliest one."

I giggled at his weak outcry. "I'm not sure what you're talking about. But you've never fucked me and will never have the opportunity to do so." I slammed my fist ball into his belly, which didn't appear to have any effect other than making him squeal.

It was his turn to laugh. "It is my time now." He let out a snarl. His fist balled and crashed into my stomach. I felt my body being pushed back till it met with the rough rocks that poked into my back.

I grumbled, rolled over on my stomach, and looked up to see a few standing Byers. "Help." I stretched out, but they all coiled up in fright.

I sensed Ryan's hand around my neck. "You will not last a month as my Luna. Because I will do all in my power to murder you. "No one will care because you are a sad girl."

I grinned despite my agony. "Why don't you kill me now."

"Because when your father finds your ideal spouse, we want you to watch while we take turns biting into her flesh."

His fist slammed into my belly again, and I let out one more cry as darkness entered my mind.

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