Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Paige POV

The bodies dropped with a thud, and this time I did not rush to open the door. I couldn't let her see or smell me this way. I stretched for the window and rested my hands against it. I could see the displeasure on her face since I didn't open the door and fly into her arms like I had the other night.

"You are going to hate me." I talked on the glass, leaving my breath on it. "I had little control over the situation."

Her nude body moved closer, and I could feel her heat. "Open the window, little mate." Her deep voice said. I shake my head.

"You have to vow not to hate me. I attempted to shove him away, but he was simply stronger than me.

"Who forced themselves on you." She snarled, smashing her hand against the glass, her fingernails retracting like claws, her eyes brimming with wrath.

"Open it up or break it the fuck down." She furiously jiggles the handle. I swallowed as my wolf forced me closer to her, eventually opening the window. She took me into her arms, her claws bit into my back, and her nose sniffled over my neck, causing me to moan in anguish.

"I didn't want him to."

"Who is it?!" She growled.

"My second mate. My father said he'd bring you forward so I could reject you." I murmured in fear. Her tongue kissed the incision numerous times before the minor pain subsided.

My brow wrinkled in uncertainty, and I reached out to touch the missing mark. What happened to it?

"I heal it." She pressed me tighter against her firm body. "You're mine, little mate. I just wouldn't say the same if I were yours." She whispered, her fingertips gently touching my damp cheeks. My wolf was dancing in my mind. She's mine. I'm simply not sure what my future with her will hold. How will I get out of this?

"I know you'll reject me someday." She whispered as she moved out of my clutches. I could hear her wolf whimpering as she gazed out into the roaring jungle. "I've spent my entire life longing and desiring just you. "I spent it waiting for you."

"I do too." I leaned against her nude back, my hands wandering up and down her abs, gradually dropping to her neatly cut v-line, and teased the baby hair.

"I wish there was another way."

"There is always a way." I felt her grip my hand and use her free hand to bring me before her. I looked up at her. The feel of my silky nightgown stroking over her nude body was divine.

"Then what's the way?"

"The only thing I can think of is murdering everyone who hampers what I own."

"You can't kill him, but I want you to. He is an army, and you are just one person."

She grinned. "I've always only been one army." She muttered gently as her fingers slipped down to my waist. What I was experiencing was the epitome of bliss.

"I'm glad you're not furious with me."

"I would never!"

"So why did you run off last night? I was hoping you'd continue what you started." My hand stretched for the knot in my robe and gradually unfastened it, revealing my nude body.

Both of our bodies glisten in the weak moonlight that filters through the slightly open window. Her stare moved in an agonizingly slow trail across my body.

"I can't touch you anyhow I want. Not when I'm not certain you're mine."

I slid the robe slightly off my shoulder, colliding my collarbones with her warm body. I could feel all of her heat transported to her massive cock, which got so large that it pushed me away somewhat. Looking down, my cheeks flushed crimson like an apple. My humble hand reached out and began to stroke it.

She purred and growled. "You are such a tease."

Her clinched teeth cut into her upper lip, and her head turned to the side to avoid my enticing look, but the more she ignored me, the more I pressed myself against her.

Her muscles felt weak against mine as I grabbed her hands and moved them over my body, then propped up my foot and let her hold it.

I didn't have a great sense of smell, but I could detect both of our excitement.

I took her cock, which was rigid as a soldier on her stomach, and began rubbing it against my arousing pussy. It lubricates her whole cock, making it shine like arousal oil.

She grabbed my face and gave me a hard kiss, her hip pushed firmly into mine, my body stumbled against the glass, which jerked and vibrated with our collision.

"I really need you." She groaned as she sucked my bottom lips so hard that they were thick and swollen immediately.

I clutched her hip, the tip of her cock smacking against my clit and entrance, causing me to groan. As she surged inward, the window jerked again.

"Why are you tense?" I spoke into her lips, sucking it off as hard as I could, my hand moving down to her little breast and pinching her nipples, and she groaned.

"Because I am going to kill him. I'm going to follow his scent and murder him for molesting you."

"No. Please. Simply keep on the low." I kissed her again, lightly, to calm her down; it rarely fails in the second.

"He wants to mark me in two weeks, so I believed we had till then to work anything out."

She gently kissed my chin and then licked it. "Would you run away with me?"

"Yes, I would. But no running." I whispered. "I've heard stories about you but never heard you run."

A booming chuckle resounded from her, like thunder. "I have to leave now; they'll be awake shortly."

I felt her take me up and carry me to the bed, which didn't stop crying from our combined weight.

"I can't wait to be in your arms forever, little mate."

I felt hot tears fall again, stinging in her chest as I crushed my face against it. "Maybe running away isn't that horrible."


"But he'll find me. As long as I have links to the pack, he can locate me wherever."

"I know."

"Stay with me till I fall asleep." 

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