Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Paige POV

I gazed at her photos in the dark, tears rolling down my cheeks in a silvery stream. My fingertips traveled over her, definer jawline and shaping her box-like face. This appears to be a photo of her when she was an alpha, as her golden eyes gleamed in the darkness.

"You are very gorgeous." I muttered.

I peered out onto the covered balcony to see the two guards. I knew she wouldn't return, but knowing where to locate her made my heart smile. I hoped I had located her on my own, but knowing that not one, but two people know where she lives didn't set well with me. I have to warn her to move.

To depart. My heart got sad as I realized she would have to leave me behind. I will never be happy.

As I hugged the picture to my chest, more tears streamed down. I want to feel her, not have paper stuck to my body. I wish there was something I could do to address this unfair situation.

I heard a snarl, then whimpers, and then a huge thud on the floor of my balcony. I got out of bed and saw that the two guard bodies had collided to the ground. Were they dead? I noticed her towering figure slowly rising and her massive fists pressing on the glass. I promptly got out of bed and opened it.

I was compelled to lock the window, while the guards remained outside.

I gazed at the bodies. "Don't worry, they're not dead, just knocked unconscious. They'll be out for another hour."

"O-oh." I stuttered as I couldn't take my eyes away from the bodies. I felt a spark touch my waist area, and my feet lifted off the ground as I realized she had swept me off the floor, her fingers clenched firmly but sensitive and protective around my waist. As she sat on my bed, the metal groaned. She then flipped me like a burger, wrapping my legs around her nude body.

My cheeks turned hot as I gazed between us. She was nude again. My fingers clasped around her warm neck.

Her enormous hands plunged themselves beneath my thin, silky nightgown, and her finger stroked against the surface of my stomach, where a spark kept shooting through me.

Her nostrils sniffed over my arms, causing goosebumps as her nose moved across my neck and into my ears. "You were in my room today." Fuck. Your perfume drives me mad. "I almost pulled the place apart."

"I wanted to see you."

She purred so softly that I nearly missed it. I smiled at her vulnerability. How could she slaughter innocent people? But I'll address that subject later; all I wanted to do was jump her. I could feel the desire heat creep between my legs.

"Do you want to reject me?"


"Don't. Not yet."

I wasn't going to, and something tells me that even if she slaughtered innocent people, I couldn't look her in those ocean eyes and turned her down. I'm too enamored with her to be concerned about what she was or may be.

I hugged her closely to me, our hearts almost in rhythm. I felt my tears fall again, but this time they were from wanting her to pin me down and take what I knew belonged to her.

"You're sad." She said quietly. "Why are you sad?" She inquired gently. "Who makes you sad?" She growled.

"I just want you."

I purred as I felt her fingers glide through my braided hair and descend down my waist.

"I realized you have been monitoring me all my life." I backed away slowly, staring her in the eyes.

"I need to make sure you are okay." She grinned sincerely. It made her blue eyes brighter and her face younger. "On your eighteenth birthday, I wanted to come to you and make you mine, but I thought it would be better if I stayed away. These past several days have been very difficult. "I'm relentless." She hissed, and I could hear her teeth sprouting out of her mouth. "I really want to mark you." She muttered as her fangs pinched the flesh on my neck.

I murmured, gently pressing against the exterior of her chest.

"If you mark me, my father will kill or, worse, torture me."

I'm not sure I wanted to inform her that my new destiny was to be mate to Ryan. I knew she would filled with nothing but wrath and what we had here now, was magnificent. I enjoy being in her arms.

"You are very gorgeous." She said, her hand, which was not stroking circles on my stomach, was busy feeling all over my body, so delicately that I laid like a sack of onions in her grasp. I knew her smell was rubbing off on me, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

"I couldn't control myself. I take a photo of you."

"I know." I could feel her lips widen in a grin on my delicate, silky skin. My fingers went into her hair, and I pulled her head up by a strand of hair, pressing my lips against hers. She groaned against my lips. Her hand curled around my waist, and she gently lay me on the bed with her bare body between my thighs. Her hand pushed up my little nightgown. "You are mine." She groaned as her head sank between the peak of her thighs, which she simply parted.

"I just want to be yours."

I felt her pull on my panties.

I leaned on my elbows, anticipating what her next move would be. Her fingernails caressed my flesh. "You smell amazing. If I taste you now, I guess I'll just take you and be done, little mate." She hissed, her gaze rising to mine lust-filled eyes.

"Please taste me." I gasped as my finger grabbed into her strands, my hip elevated to her mouth, and a spark shot in me when only a brush of her lips touched my clit. "Oh, Sebastian!" I screamed her name as I pressed myself into her. "Please, devour me." I pleaded frantically, then released, panting like a track star and shattering the world record.

Her chin shoved into my region, and her tongue scraped over my clit, causing my lips to fly wide. As I tried to muffle my groan, a couple soldiers stood just outside my door. My hips eagerly drove into her jawline. Her entire nose drowned in my juice, causing a cascade of growls. My fingers ran through her hair, ensuring that she remained glued to me.

"I need you so badly, Sebastian."

"Let me mark you. Let me take you. Let me breed you." She growled. "Allow me to knot so deep within you." She threw me onto my back and buried her stomach into the small of my back. Her firm hands tightly held me around my waist and squeezed my stomach.

To build a curved arch, she began to thrust her cock wildly into me, with the tip striking at my entrance but never driving deep.

"Sebastian." I squirmed. Her hot breath extended up to my neck.

"Fuck. I want to stop, but I can't. She groaned as she grasped her cock and pushed the tip within me; this time it remained. It stretched me out, and I remained frozen against her. I felt slightly calm, prepared to take her, even if it split me apart. However, I recoiled at her harsh growl and fell into the bed, her arms wrenched from me, leaving me resentful and chilly. I hurriedly rolled onto my stomach, but she was gone.

"Sebastian! No!" I shouted, tears welling up in my eyes as I hurried over the bodies. She turned into her wolf and fled into the wilderness. "Please come back." Her agonizing howls were audible to me from a distance. 

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