Welcome To Happy Harbor

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Arachnid stood on the top of the half-built skyscraper as she waited for an opportunity to strike. The other team members jumped down and attacked some of the thieves, knocking them to the ground.

She jumped down and tied the ones already down into a web. She attached them to a pillar of the skyscraper and left them hanging upside down. She then disappeared with the rest of her team.

She quietly watched as Aqualad helped Speedy. He had already started talking with him about rejoining the team, but he seemed uninterested.

"The cave is perfect." Aqualad began. "It has everything the team will need."

Robin jumped on the crate they were on.

"For covert missions, you know, spy stuff." He said.

"And wait until you see Superboy and Miss Martian." KF jumped on the crate as well. "And Arachnid without a mask." He said, dreamily. "But I saw her first." He shot.

"Technically, I did." Robin muttered.

Arachnid swung onto the crate with them.

"I know we didn't get off on the right start, but if you join the team that could change." Arachnid said. "If that's what we're still talking about."

Robin smiled at her reassuringly. The other villain threw a rock at them. They dodged and Speedy shot him in return. It made a couple of small explosions, but didn't do anything in the long run.

"Tell arrow he shouldn't send boys to do a man's job." The villain laughed.

Arachnid swung down and kicked him. Speedy shot an arrow it hit him, but didn't activate. Arachnid quickly went over to him and pressed a button. She kicked him off when he tried to grab her and a thick foam surrounded him.

"I guess that's why I'm here." She said.

"High-density polyurethane foam." Kid Flash said, observing the fight from afar. He then looked down at Arachnid's figure. "Nice."

She swung up to them and they started talking again.

"So Speedy, you in?" Robin asked him.

"Pass." He responded. "I'm done letting Arrow and the League tell me what to do. I don't need a babysitter or a clubhouse to hang out with the other kids. Your junior justice league is a joke; something to keep you busy and in your place." He started to walk away from them. "I don't want any part of it."

The young group of friends turned to each other after he disappeared into the shadows.


The 3 teenagers entered the mountain through the teleporter as a robotic voice called each of them.

"Recognized: Robin, B01; Kid Flash, B03; Arachnid, B02."

They each came into the building, in their normal clothes, after hanging out together outside of the mountain. They ran over to the rest of the group. They had a hologram of Red Tornado and where he was set up.

"Did you ask him?" Robin asked.

"What did he say?" Kid Flash asked.

"Where is he?" Arachnid asked.

"He's arriving now." Aqualad responded.

"Then what are we waiting for?" KF asked him.

He ran off, Robin following close behind. Aqualad and Superboy ran off as well, Miss Martian and Arachnid the only ones that stayed.

Miss M. gave Arachnid a smile. She gave one back and they ran (Miss M. flew) after the team. Once they got outside, they saw Red Tornado flying down to them.

The Arachnid (Various Young Justice x OC)Where stories live. Discover now