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"I mean, I haven't been to the beach in a while so this is fun for me!" Marie told Superboy as they walked together.

Currently, the young team members were all in their bathing suits. They went down to the sandy part of Mount Justice for a little beach time.

"Hello, Megan!" M'gann said out loud. "We should hit the beach everyday!"

"First a moment of silence for our absent comrade." Robin said.

Wally had school today, so he couldn't make it. Gotham Academy started later after summer break. And then there was the rest of the team that didn't even go to school. It was crazy to think she was already going to be a sophomore. Robin was going to be a freshman this year, so it was a huge change for him.

Marie grabbed her volleyball and took Superboy's hand. She led him to the volleyball net. Her hand was completely healed at that point.

"I don't know what to do." He said once they stopped running.

"Just put your hands together," she put her hands together. "And bump the ball."

Superboy stood awkwardly and put his hands out. She threw the ball over the net and he bumped it. It went flying in the sky... and didn't come back down.

Marie smiled at him. "Why don't we go swimming?"

Superboy smiled back at her. "Y-yeah." He stuttered, his heart beating faster than normal.

Marie dragged him to the ocean where they swam with the others. Marie playfully dunked Robin's head underwater.

"Oh, you're gonna pay for that!" Robin said once he resurfaced.

He started chasing her in the water. Kalder and Superboy watched them. One obviously was more jealous than the other.

"Hey, guys!" Megan called out. "I brought us food!"

The other four excited the water and went to eat the sausages she brought. They went back to playing volleyball again after that. It was an uneven team with Superboy, Megan, and Marie, but they were just trying to have fun.

They decided to move on from that and bury Superboy under sand. Marie laughed once they were done. Robin tackled her in a side hug. It was around evening when they decided to go back inside the cave.

They had a call once they were in. Batman, Red Tornado, and Green Arrow were coming over to show them something. They quickly got dressed in their suits and met up with the heroes.

"Recognized; Kid Flash, B03." The computer said.

Wally came rushing in with all of his beach equipment. "The Wall-man is here! Now let's get this party star-"

He tripped over one of his items and fell to the ground. The beach ball went flying past a not-so-happy Batman.

"-Ted." Wally finished.

"Wall-man, huh?" A new voice asked him. "I love the uniform. What exactly re your powers?" She had long blonde hair, gorgeously going with her brown eyes.

Wally got up, leaving his stuff on the floor.

"Uh, who's this?" He asked Marie.

"Artemis." The new girl said. "Your new team mate."

"Kid Flash. Never heard of you." Wally coldly responded.

"She's my new protege." Green Arrow said and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"What happened to your old one?" Wally asked.

The computer went off, "Recognized; Speedy, B06."

"Well, for starters, he doesn't go by Speedy anymore." Roy said, entering the cave. "Call me Red Arrow."

The Arachnid (Various Young Justice x OC)Where stories live. Discover now