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Marie yawned, slowly waking up to the sound of her walkie talkie beeping. She went to go over to the spot she hid it and turned it on.

"Arachnid." She answered.

"Red Arrow." The person answered. "I need access to the Justice League's database and the exact height of the League of Shadows assassin known as Cheshire."

Marie yawned once more and walked over to the computer in her room. She began typing. "You might want to tell me why you need this."

"Why so suspicious?" He asked.

She shrugged her shoulders and looked at the clock next to her. "It's 3 in the morning. I think I'm allowed to be suspicious." She clicks on the right database and sent it over. "Cheshire is 5'6 (1.67 meters). And very dangerous. You need backup?"

"Please, the last thing I need is the Junior Justice League." Red Arrow declined.

"He says to the leader of the so called 'juniors'." Marie mocked.

He scoffed, "Very funny."

"Good luck." Marie said. "Arachnid out."

With that, she turned off her walkie talkie. She stood up, about to go to bed before she stopped and looked back at her computer. She didn't know what Red Arrow was doing with that info. She did check his location, Taiwan.

She closed all her tabs, deleted the history, and locked her computer. She shut it off and walked over to her bed. She fell asleep the minute her head hit the pillow.


"Marie." Kaldur greeted once the spider hero entered the cave.

"Hey, Kaldur." She said. "I'm glad you could help me with this."

Kaldur smiled. He'd do anything for her at this point, even something as simple as this.

"Well," she said. "Let's see our little scholars."

"Marie!" Megan shouted.

Marie turned to the voice. She was tackled by a hug from the martian.

"Someone's excited." Marie chuckled.

Megan let go of her friend. "It's huge for our culture to be able to learn the ways of a human on earth."

"You'll do great." She told her.

Red Tornado and Martian Manhunter walked into the cave. They saw Kaldur, Megan, and Marie (with her glasses) ready.

"Where is Superboy?" Red Tornado asked.

"In the garage." Megan responded.

The went there. Megan held a bag of food. "Ready for school?" Megan asked Superboy as she floated to him. "I made out lunches!"

"The first day of a scholastic season carries great cultural resonance." MM explained to the boy. "We want to wish you both well."

"Guess it's not a Kryptonian thing." Superboy said.

"You may wish to change before you depart." Kaldur told Megan, noting her appearance.

"I spent hours choosing this outfit." Megan said and changed into an outfit with a peach colored skirt, jacket, and a white shirt. She turned to Marie. "Can M'gann M'orzz pass as an earth girl now?"

"Well..." Marie didn't want to seem rude, but the green wasn't very... earthly.

"Just kidding." She said. She changed her skin color. "Meet Megan Morse. What's your new name?" She asked Superboy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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