Drop Zone

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"Isla Santa Prisca." Batman and Red Tornado pointed out the place on the holographic map to the young heroes. "This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neosteroid. A strength enhancing drug sold under the street name 'venom'. Infrared heat signatures indicate their factory is still operating at full capacity, but all shipments of Venom have been inexplicably cut off."

Marie looked to her left to see Wally eating a bag of chips. She became hungry at the mere sight of the snack.

"Can I have one?" She whispered to him.

He tilted the bag over and offered her to take as many as she wanted. She reached her hand in and took a couple. She shoved them into her mouth.

"That's where this team comes in." Batman continued. "This is a covert recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will. The plan requires two drop zones."

"So who's in charge?" Robin asked.

Batman and Tornado gave each other a look. They knew these kids had to have more responsibility, especially for missions like these.

"Work that out between you." Batman told him.

Robin nodded his head. He knew he had what it took to be the team's leader.


The young heroes sat in the bioship, silently. The nerves of their first official mission eating them alive.

"We're approaching Santa Prisca." Megan said to the group. "Drop zone 'A' in thirty." She said after a little while.

Aqualad stood up, getting ready to leave. He pressed a button on his suit and waited for it to change. The color became a dark black with grey highlights to it. He had turned on his stealth mode for the suit.

"Putting bioship in camouflage mode." Megan told the group.

The team watched as Aqualad dropped through the floor and into the sea. The ship continued flying, waiting for him to complete his work.

"Heat and motion sensors are patched." Aqualad's voice rang through the comms. It made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. "Camera is now on a continuous loop. Move in."

Megan flew the ship to the island. It hovered over a spot of land.

"Drop zone 'B'." Megan stated.

Everyone stood up. A hook like line materialized from the ceiling, each member hooking it on a strong piece of clothing they had.

Kid Flash pressed the symbol on his chest and watched in amazement as it changed to a darker color. He turned to Arachnid (who was standing behind him) to show off.

"How cool is this?" He asked her.

She simply smiled at him. She pressed the black spider symbol on her chest and watched as every part of her costume turned black. (The pic above, but with an eye mask instead)

KF looked at her in awe. "That works, too." He turned to the newer member of the team. "Hey, Supey, not too late to put in the new stealth tech."

"No capes, no tights, no offense." Superboy told him.

"If it works for you, it works for you." Arachnid told him and gave him a thumbs up.

He turned his head to face out the window. Arachnid could see the smile he was trying to hide. Megan drifted out of the ship while Robin, KF, and Arachnid dropped down with the hooks.

Once they landed, Arachnid's senses told her about something. She looked up and saw a figure dropping from the ship, much faster and harder.

"Look out!" She said.

The Arachnid (Various Young Justice x OC)Where stories live. Discover now