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Marie opened her eyes once the brightness of the sun reached her eyes. She sat up in what seemed to be a sandy dessert.

She looked around and saw a boy about her age lying on the ground. She screamed and backed away. She didn't know who he was.

He had short hair with marks along his body. She looked around and saw the large rock they were near. She looked back at the boy. She poked at his arm to see if he was awake.

She bit her bottom lip. She didn't know what to do, she wasn't a hero. She picked him up and noticed the gloves on her hands. She was wearing a costume.

Maybe she was a hero. But if she was, wouldn't she at least remember it? She dragged him over to the large rock and hid him behind there.

She didn't want someone bad to find her. If there was someone bad. She looks at him for a minute. He wasn't bad looking. Maybe she shouldn't leave him there.

She turned around and kept walking. She didn't know what she'd find. She put down the hood she had on, and placed her mask inside a pocket she had.

She checked any pockets and openings for any water, food, or communication. There was nothing.

Soon, the sun set and the moon was up. Marie continued walking. She was in the dunes again. She heard gunshots, too close for comfort, and hid behind a hill of sand. She stayed there for a minute.

The gunshots stopped after a while. The heroes came together.

"KF! Man it's good to see a familiar face." The one with black hair told the one with orange hair.

"Hey, Rob. Memory loss?" KF asked him.

"6 months!" His friend replied. "Let's hogtie these creeps and compare notes."

Marie stood up from her hiding spot. Everyone turned to her.

"Marie!" Robin called out to her. "Memory loss, too?"

She stared at him for a while. She didn't recognize him. She didn't recognize any of them.

"I-I don't know." She stuttered. "Are you guys heroes?"

Robin's eyes widened. His crush didn't remember him. He gave her a sad smile.

"Memory loss." He said. "We'll figure this out together, don't worry."

He reached his hand out, and she walked out to him. However, she didn't take his hand. She didn't know him, and that was one of the most painful things.

Marie stood and watched as the young heroes tied up the bad guys all together. Then they huddled in a circle.

The Martian began to explain about how they were a team that fought crime. They were under the Justice League. She then explained how good of friends they were outside of all of that.

"So we're a team?" Robin asked.

"The 5 of us and Superboy." Megan replied.

"Are you sure it's just us and him?" She asked. "There was someone else in the dessert. I didn't recognize him. I hid him behind a rock so that no one bad could find him."

Megan thought for a moment. She couldn't remember anyone else.

"He must've been a bad guy." Said KF. "It's a good thing you left him there, then."

"This must be Superboy's." Robin said and held out a piece of clothing.

Megan took it and inspected the print on the cloth. "Yes! Did you see him?"

The Arachnid (Various Young Justice x OC)Where stories live. Discover now