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A school bus full of kids drove on the bridge. All of them were chatting about their days, their adventures, homework, etc. Suddenly, the ground started shaking. It broke into multiple pieces and a cord holding the bridge together snapped.

The bus driver swerved so that they wouldn't get hit. The bus became silent as it crashed into one of the barricades. A truck hit the bus, further pushing it into the barrier.

Another car came by and hit the bus again. It slid over the railing and tilted over the water. All of the kids were screaming at this point, terrified that they may lose their lives.

A hero swung onto the scene, attaching webs to the front of the bus and pulling it up the bridge. A boom sounded and another hero came flying in. He held the floor together and used his laser eyes to melt the metal together.

Superboy jumped onto the bridge landing so hard that the floor cracked once more. Arachnid's feet slid just a little bit, the bus falling a little as well. She fixed her feet and stopped the bus from falling.

Superboy started lifting cara up and placing them in a safer area. The bus started falling again, Arachnid stuck her feet the ground and attached more webs to the bus. Superboy came to help her. His feet slid as well.

"Superboy-" Arachnid grunted at the weight. From the corner of her eye she saw a blur of red and blue. "Let go when I tell you to." She said.

She waited before the weight of the bus got a little more lighter. "Now." She said.

The two let go and Superman picked the buss up and flew it onto the bridge. Superboy walked over to him, upset.

"I had that." The teenage boy stated.

"I didn't want to take the chance." Superman told him. "As it is, your landing could have destabilized the entire bridge."

"It didn't." Superboy argued.

"But it could have." Superman said. "We don't yet know the limits of your powers."

"Maybe you could, you know, help me figure that out." Superboy suggested.

Superman narrowed his eyes and looked away. "Batman's got that covered."

"I know but-"

A call interrupted him from Superman's comm link.

"Superman. Wait, Arrow. Slow down." Superman said into the device in his ear. "What's attacking?"

Superboy looked at his idol in rejection at his next words, "No, I'm definitely available. Coordinates? Acknowledged. On my way."

He turned to the teenager. "Sorry, Super... Boy. Duty calls."

Superman flew off before he could even say anything. It was obvious to Arachnid that he was running away from his responsibility. Arachnid went over to place a hand on Superboy's shoulder. Normally, he would've shrugged it off but... he kind of needed the comfort.

Arachnid's phone rang. She took it from her hidden pocket in her suit and answered it.

"Want to tell me why you're not in school?" Bruce asked her from the other side.

Arachnid looked around and saw the Wayne Enterprises building. In one of the windows, she saw Bruce Wayne himself. She smiled and waved.

"Friendly neighbor-hooding?" She suggested. "Dick's covering for me."

Bruce sighed, giving up. He knew he couldn't get her out of the day-hero life.

"All right." He said and hung up.

The Arachnid (Various Young Justice x OC)Where stories live. Discover now