Rankings on the Scale

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"Speak your mind even if your voice shakes,"

Watching as the darkness took over the sky in the Capitol and everyone retired to their homes, Cilla couldn't seem to shut her mind off.

Tomorrow was the day she would go in front of the game maker and sponsors and try to win them over.

All her life, she has marveled people with her ability to show kindness to everyone- even those who most definitely don't deserve it- and how she could look past their faults and adjust how she presents herself based on their personality. And that's all she thought she could do, use her words, but even that wouldn't be enough in the end.

Calder was strong. He used to haul in nets of fish each day for work and could now toss over twice his body weight like it was nothing. She knew he would make it.

A knock came at the door, rousing her from her thoughts.

"It's open," She called out.

The knob twisted, and light flooded in from the hallway, revealing Calder on the other side.

"Can I come in?" His head was peaking around the door, and when she nodded yes, he fully opened the door to join her.

Calder shut it behind him and walked over to where she sat by the window. He grabbed one of the pillows from the bed and held it to his chest as he sat across from her.

"What's on your mind?"

She sighed and stretched her legs over his as she spoke, "What am I gonna do tomorrow?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like to show my 'skills'. What am I gonna do?"

Calder leaned his head on the window as she scooted closer, "You don't know this, but back home, people called you a ghost. Some even thought you didn't exist."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Cilla was offended; did people really block her out like that?

"Shit, I didn't mean for it to sound like that. I just meant that you're fast. So fast that people even question that you were there. You move at the speed of light and do it without making a sound." He pauses, gauging her reaction before continuing.

"Finn said that there's an obstacle course there. If you can get in there and make them see you, you can make them lose you just as well. You're strong as well; you climb the trees and roofs at home like they're nothing, go up, and give them the show they want."

Cilla wrapped her arms around her legs and rested her chin on her knees as she smiled up at her brother. He smiled back and went to pat her on the head like a dog.

She then, in return, went to bite his hand.

"And you're a biter. Could take someone's finger off if you wanted."

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