sick at school

384 4 0

olive - 12

billie - 20

i know the ages dont make sense and technically finneas would be a 12 year old dad if this was real, so for the stories sake plz just pretend that its not real.

billies pov

"hi my lovee, whats going on?", i said as i picked up olives call. "billie can you come pick me up please", i heard as sobs escaped her mouth. 

"are you at school, whats happening baby why do you need me to pick you up?", i replied as a lump rose in my throat. 

"im at school, and i dont feel well and mom and dad arent picking up.", she said. clearly she didnt have the energy to say much else because she was not giving me much information. 

"alright olive im on my way, but stay on the phone okay? whats wrong is it your head, your stomach? and are you like at the nurse or in the bathroom, i need some more information baby", i spoke into the phone, grabbing my keys from the shelf next to the door, and running quickly to my car. i connected my phone to the car and put it on speaker as i began to drive. 

"my stomach hurts so bad, i feel like im gonna throw up. and im in the bathroom because i just left class and i didnt wanna go to the nurse. but i dont know why mom and dad arent picking up.", she said as sobs yet again escaped her mouth. 

her school wasnt far away from where i lived and i was so grateful that i wasnt doing anything right at that moment. but where the fuck was finneas? a worry grew in my stomach, knowing that it wasnt like finneas or claudia for that matter, to not answer their phones, especially from olive. 

"awh im so sorry my love. im nearly there just sit tight. i will-", i was cut off by the sound of olive throwing up. my heart sank. she really was sick. 

"oh honey im coming as fast as i can are you okay?", i said empathetically once i could hear she was done. 

"eugh i feel like shit. please come quick billie", she said as another sob escaped her mouth. 

as she finished her sentence, i pulled into the parking lot of her school and found a spot. 

"okay my love, im heading into the front office right now, can you go to the nurse and tell her im here?", i said, waiting outside of the office doors for a response. 

"yep im going now, bye", she said with a monotone voice.

"bye love", i whispered as i pushed open the big office doors. 

"hey im just here to pick up olive o'connell, i think shes coming to the nurse right now.", i said to office lady, with a friendly smile on my face. 

"alright, and what was your name?", she said in a bitchy tone. i held back from rolling my eyes. 

"uh billie o'connell. im her aunt, but her parents are finneas and claudia o'connell.", i said, and her head perked up, her eyes brightening as she realised who i was. 

"oh okay, i thought you looked familiar, your that famous girl aren't you? well ill just get you to sign this so that olive will be free to go when she gets here", she said, chewing her gum obnoxiously. 

this time i really really tried hard to not roll my eyes. i was used to weird interactions but this got on my nerves. 

out of the corner of my eye though, i saw olive start to walk through the door behind the office ladies desk, as i finished signing the piece of paper. her eyes were stained red with tears that kept falling, and her beautiful blonde hair was tied back in a messy bun with small braids throughout it. her face was a greeny-pale colour that did not look very promising for the ride home, and the rest of her skin was clammy, and covered in goosebumps. 

 of course, i was the cool aunt who didnt make silly rules about what olive could or couldnt wear, say or do, so she always felt comfortable around me to speak her mind. i knew that her parents were much similar, but i think she always felt slightly more at ease with me, knowing that i wouldnt share her secrets if she asked me not too. 

"billie", she gasped softly as she ran up to me and embraced me in a tight hug. i held her in my arms for a long time, feeling in her embrace that she needed the hug more than anything. 

once i pulled away i grabbed her backpack from her, and then held her face in my hands. "lets get going my love", i frowned as i put my arm around her shoulder, guiding her to the car. 

i said thank you to the office lady as we left, and then once we reached the car i helped olive in, making sure to grab my emergency first aid kit out and give her a sick bag. i was precious about my car getting dirty, but i also knew that olive most definitely was going to be sick on the way home, and i didnt want her to be covered in her own puke. 

once we were both strapped in and sitting in the parking lot i placed my hand on her leg and looked over at her. 

"im sorry you feel shitty my love is there anything else going on that you wanna tell me about, or do you just wanna go back to my place?", i said, sensing that she was upset about more than just being sick. 

"it was just a shit day, but i dont really feel like talking about it right now", she said as a fresh set of tears rolled down her face. 

"awh dont cry baby, i promise it will get better. we dont have to talk about it right now, but come to me when your ready yeah? anyway, lets get you home and ill call your parents when we get there", i said, wiping her tears away. my hand brushed her forehead in the process, and it felt almost as hot a stove. 

"holy shit olive i think you have a fever baby. lets go", i said, as i drove off out of the parking lot. 


once we had finally arrived home, i ran to unlock the front door to let olive inside while i took the, now full sick bag off her and dumped it straight into my outside bin. then i locked my car and walked in the house, making sure to lock the door behind me too. this was habit i had become accustomed to after the many break-ins i had encountered from strangers. 

"okay, do you wanna lay down in my bed or on the couch, or in the guest room?", i said, as olive stood against the kitchen bench with her head down. 

"uh your bed maybe?", she responded, as she held her stomach tightly with her arms. 

"okay, ill get you some of my sweats so your more comfy, and do you want some advil my love?" i said, furrowing my eyebrows as my heart ached for her. she looked so sick, and in so much pain and i was trying my best to help her, but i hardly knew how. 

she nodded as i walked over to the medicine cabinet in the kitchen to grab the advil. then i filled up a bottle of water, and we walked to my bedroom, and i placed the medicine and water down on my bedside table. then i went into my wardrobe and grabbed some comfier clothes that i thought would fit her. she was still little, and even though she'd probably fit into most of my clothes, she had claudias body frame genes meaning she was pretty tiny. in saying that she definitely had not fully developed yet. 

"do you wanna take a shower or just jump into bed baby?", i said as i sat down next to her on the edge of my bed, rubbing her back softly, as she held her head in her hands. 

"i think i just wanna lay down", she said, looking up at me with tired eyes. 

"okay go get changed and ill call fin while you do that", i said, squeezing her shoulders as i stood up and left the bedroom to call finneas..


first story yay

i hate to be that person but this is too long and i dont want people to be reading and reading and reading cause thats not interesting SOOOOO go to part 2 :pp

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