plane - 2

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olives pov

we arrive at the airport at the crack of dawn on a thursday morning, mountains of bags in hand, and tired as fuck. 

its currently 4:23am, and my head is resting on billies shoulder as we make our way through the security. of course, we can really go through the normal security because we'll probably get mobbed so they take us through a small room to the side of the airport so that we can get through all of the shit. 

its a longgg morning, and even though im ready for tour, i can feel everyones energy is low, like literally everyone. i guess its sad to leave your friends and loved ones behind, and we are leaving for 2 months which is a really long time. but i dont feel the same as them. i dont have many friends to leave behind, and doing online school even though it may feel harder, is much less draiining than going to child prison everyday. 

"u good baby?", billie says sleepily to me as we sit at the small secret gate waiting for our flight to be called. my head is still resting on her shoulder, and hers is on top of mine. were cuddled up in the uncomfortable seats, with our big hoodies and sweats on. 

"yeah im good", i say back. 

"flight F7L1 to milan is now boarding", we heard a loud voice say over the intercom. 

someone quickly rushes over to us, and takes us to the flight. we have to board beofre everyone else because otherwise people with be creepy, and they wont anyone else on the plane until were all on. 

billie and i follow everyone out of the airport, and into the fresh morning air, which sends shivers down my spine. im holding billies hand tightly, as we excitedly make our way to the plane. 

they say quick 'hellos', and 'welcomes' as we make our way in and find our seats. usually billies team tries not to fly in first class or in a private jet because theres no point, its way betterr for the environment, so billie and i find our seats in the back corner of economy, and plop down. the whole back row and row in front of us is filled with billies team, so no one will really see us unless theyre looking, and billie is wearing her usual airport fit anyway, so no one really recognises her; black hoodie, black sweats, black beanie, and black sunglasses. 

soon enough everyone starts boarding the flight, and were settled in waiting for take off. 

i hold billies hand as we take off, and lean my head on her shoulder again as we both stare out the window, watching the world beneath us fade away. 

she places her free hand on her stomach, and scrunches her face up in pain as i look over at her. 

"whats wrong u okay?", i say, concerned. she just nods her head in response saying, "yeah i just have a stomach ache its fine", she says as she flops her head back against the seat. 

i feel bad for as having a stomach ache on a 13 hour flight is not going to be fun, but im hoping it goes away. 

billies pov

olive cuddles her head into my shoulders even more after i admit my stomach is hurting. hurting may be an understatement. its literally debilitating pain, but i try my best to ignore it. we decide to put on a movie on both our screens at the same time, and we get comfy in our seats, ready to sleep for most of the flight. 

about 4 hours in olive and i have already watched a whole tv show series, and a movie and im getting bored. she already fell asleep, but im stuck looking for things to do on the small screen in front of me. 
nothing sticks out, and i feel like im not gonna fall asleep anytime soon so i get up to stretch my legs, and walk to the bathroom. before i leave i try to wiggle myself out from a sleeping olive but she ends up waking up, and i let her know im going to the bathroom. she nods her head and pulls out her phone as i walk away. 

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