first period

317 4 0

olive - 13

billie - 21

olives pov

"alright baby were here.", my mom says as we pull into my friend gwens driveway. i give her a cautious smile and then start to grab my bag. 

"you okay, your not very talkative today?", she says, and the butterflies instantly grow once again. 

"yeah im just anxious i dont know. ill be fine", i fake a smile as i go to get out of the car. she walks me to the door, and we greet gwen and her mom. i follow gwen inside as my mom and her mom talk at the door. 

"so i was thinking we could go swimming for a bit, and then walk to the shops and get lunch?", gwen says to me. 

"oh sure sounds fun!", i say back, nervously smiling as i set down my bag in her room. 

luckily i bought my swimmers, because it was really hot today, and i hoped we would be swimming. 


gwen and i just chilled in her room for a bit, talking about school and music and all kinds of things. all the while my stomach still ached. my brain searched for answers, as to why it was hurting. gwen was my bestfriend and id been to her house many times before, so there was no need to be nervous. 

we finally decide to go in the pool, and i grab my bag. 

"im just gonna go put my swimsuit on", i say as i walk towards her bathroom. 

i drop my bag next to the toilet as i start stripping off my clothes. i pull my underwear down as i hold my swimmer bottoms ready to put on. immediately as i look down i see it. 


shit. shit. shit. 

why is there blood? this cannot be happening right now. my period. billie told me this would happen but i did not even think about it happening right now. fuck. 

my breath catches in my throat as i look at myself in the mirror, just standing in the middle of my bestfriends bathroom with my underwear halfway down my legs. 

my eyes fill with tears. i pull my clothes back on and reach for my phone from my bag. im way too scared to call my mom right now, and i dont even know why. i trust that girl with my life, considering she literally gave me life, but im just too scared. so i look for billies number instead, knowing i can tell her anything and she'll never judge me. 

a million thoughts flood through my mind, my skin grows hot, my clothes feel too tight, my stomach is aching, and now filled with butterflies, the lights are too bright and my heart is pounding. 

tears slowly stream down my face as i wait for billie to pick up. 

"olive you good baby?", i hear billie say, bringing me out of my thoughts. 

"no i need help i dont know what to do", i say with a very panicky sound in my voice. 

"oh fuck okay what happened love, do i need to come get you from somewhere", she says. 

suddenly i feel so stupid. why am i crying about this? i move away from the spot ive been standing in for the last 5 minutes and sit down on the toilet. i stay on the call with billie while i message gwen and tell her that im just answering billies call quickly. im gonna have to tell gwen at some point, but i dont feel like it right now. 

"i think i got my period billie. i dont really know though. im at gwens house", i say, laughing slightly as tears keep falling. 

"WHAT REALLY OH MY GOSH OLIVE!!", she gasps and yells into the phone. "okay should i come pick you up? have you told gwen yet? and what do you mean you dont know", she says, and i can feel her smile through the phone. shes the cutest aunt ever. 

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