panic attack

205 5 1

olive - 14

billie - 22

billies pov

today we decided to go rock climbing, and i knew that finneas and claudia were really into it, and i was starting to get into it as well. olive had never really been rock climbing before, and i knew she had a huge fear of heights. it was almost a phobia. but we still wanted to teach her because it was starting to feel like she was left out when we went. 


"what time are you picking me up?", i said to finneas who i was currently on call with. it was currently 9:18am, much earlier than i would have liked but thats okay. 

"uhhh probably like 20 minutes if thats good with you?", he said. i got up out of my bed, and quickly rushed into my wardrobe to find an outfit.

"yeah sick, ill see you then", i said, acting like i hadnt gotten out of bed just now. 

i ran around my room after putting on my outfit. i slicked my hair back into a high ponytail, and did my skincare, not bothering to put any makeup on. i had been working really hard on gettin gym skin super clear at the moment, so i felt confident in wearing no makeup. 

i heard a honk outside my window, and rushed out of my room to the front door. i quickly pulled myself together, grabbing my climbing bag which had all the things id been collecting since getting addicted to rock climbing. this inclued my climbing shoes, gloves, chalk, towel, and my water bottle. then i rushed outside, locking the door behind me and running to finnead car. 

"heyyyy", i said as i blew my hair out of my face. 

"hi billieee", olive said to me, smiling. my heart melted. i could tell she was doing good at the moment, because i knew that in the past she had been struggling, but after i forced her to talk to me, she was getting better. 

"hi my love", i said, kissing her head as i buckled my seatbelt. 


after about 10 minutes of driving we finally arrive and enter the gym. the gym is pretty big and has a few harness climbs, but mostly free climbs where you dont need a harness. a lot of the climbs are really advanced, so for olives first try we go over to an easy one. 

we talk nonsense whilst getting ready to climb, and she giggles nervously the whole time. i can tell shes absolutely shitting herself, but i dont want her to get to worked up so i dont mention her being nervous. 

"okay you ready?", i say, after weve chosen a climb that looks moderately easy. although the climb looks easy, it does go pretty high and i know that olive is freaking out. 

you can practically see from her hesitant expression that shes seconds away from crying, but shes filled with determination to try it, so she starts. 

she gets about half way, with all of us cheering her on. 

"dont look down baby", finneas yells, and immediately i pause. fuck, now shes gonna look down. 

"what the fuck finneas?", i say and i slap his arm. 

she looks down and immediately starts freaking out. 

"i cant do it. i cant", she says and i can see her start crying. 

"fuck finneas why the fuck would you say that", i say and i leave his side and walk right over to the wall to help her get down. 

"its okay my love, just breathe and come back down if you need", i say calmly, and her breathing becomes heavy as she makes her way down the wall. when she reaches the ground she wipes her tears and away and holds her head in her hands. 

"im gonna go to the bathroom", she says, and she quickly runs away.

"shit.", finneas says, as we stand there and watch as she runs away. 

"i know im her mom but i think you should go check on her billie", claudia says to me, and i nod my head, quickly running after her. 

by the time i reach the bathroom, olive has locked herself in a stall and all i can hear is her heavy breathing and hyperventilating. 

"olive please let me the fuck in i just wanna help you baby", i say, with my body pressed up against the door. 

i hear a click and she lets me in. i look up at her face as soon as it comes into view, and its pale and panicked, and covered by a river of tears. i immediately pull her in close to my chest, and try my hardest to breathe slowly, so she can follow. 

"bil...cant-...breathe", she chokes out, and i pull out of the hug. shit. shes having a panic attack. 

"okay baby just try to follow my breathing. it will pass yeah? come on breathe in with me. innnn and outttttt", i say rubbing her arms as she fights to catch her breath. 

after what feels like an eternity, her breath starts to slow down, along with the flowing tears, and i pull her back into a hug, playing with her hair, as her head rests on my chest. 

"im sorry you had to do that baby. maybe climbing isnt for you huh?", i say. 

her voice still hiccups when she tries to speak from the sobs that are still passing. 

"i hate heights", she says simply and my hearts breaks once again. 

we walk out of the stall and she washes her face at the sinks, trying to make herself feel better. i give her my water bottle, and we go back out to finneas and claudia, who are sitting with worried looks on their faces. 

"you alright babe?", claudia says as she gets up and wraps olive in a hug. claudia has always called olive babe and its the cutest mother daughter nickname ever. 

"yeah i just had a panic attack. fuck sake i hate heights. i dont think i wanna do another", she says. claudia and finneas dont care about olive swearing, as its never been a big thing in our family. 

"im so sorry olive i think i triggered it", finneas says, rubbing her back as she still hugs claudia. 

after the whole ordeal we decide its best to go home, and we go out for lunch together!


this might be the shittest story ever, but dont worry cause i have a whole idea planned that i think might be really good. its gonna be its own kinda story and will probably have lots of parts to it. be on the look out for itttttt

plz vote and comment, and i love you, and stay safe and healthy and yeah :))))))))))))

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