rocky landing - 3

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billies pov

after the whole ordeal on the flight to milan, i am completely exhausted, and i zone out of the quiet chatter in the tour bus. we made it here at 6am this morning, and its currently 11am. 

tomorrow we start rehearsals and i am not at all ready. the first show is next week, and my body and mind are both equally completely exhausted, but being around my family is definitely helping. 

"billie what you doing over there?", my mom says from their little conversation circle. im currently sitting in the little booth thing in the corner of the tour bus, chilling on my phone. 

"sorry im not really doing anything right now i just have no energy", i say, adjusting the heat pack on my stomach. my mom frowns. 

"is there a reason your so tired, or is it just jet lag?", she says with concern in her voice. 

"uhhhh you know just lots of stuff going on. ill be fine i just needa sleep. for like 12 hours", i say, laughing. i look around for olive, knowing she'd know why i was so tired. i know my mom knows im on my period because its pretty obvious, but i dont feel like announcing it to everyone, so from what i say i can tell she gets the message.

my mom nods her head sympathetically, and they just sit in silence. everyone is struggling from jet lag a little bit, so the energy is still low. 

"wheres olive?", i say. she hasnt been in the main area of the bus for a few hours and im starting to get worried. 

everyone looks confused and questions her presence as well. 

"she slept for like nearly the whole flight surely shes not asleep", i say. finneas nods in agreement and i get up to go look for her.
i wait a few seconds once i get up to make sure i dont fall over because of the darkness that clouds my vision. 
low iron am i right..

i walk upstairs to where our cabins are to look for olive. in our area, finneas, claudia, olive and my bed are in one space, and then my parents and the rest of the teams are in the other space. 

as i enter the small area, i see olive laying on her bed. she looks uncomfortable. 

"olive u good baby? whatcha doing?", i say. 

"uhm ive just been laying here for like a few hours..", she says hesitantly. she seems to struggle to speak and i walk over to her bed, which is the top bunk, so im eye level with her. as i come closer i see her eyes filled with tears and pain, and worry sparks in the pit of my stomach. 

"you dont look good olive whats wrong?", i say. her face is completely white and twisted in pain. 

"Ah billie omg ow ow", she suddenly hisses as she grips her stomach with one arm, and my forearm with the other. 

"tell me whats up so i can help you my love!", i say almost too aggressively, as i start to panic. 

"my stomach hurts so bad. its like the worst pain ive ever felt. its not even like cramp bad its worse", she struggles out. she has a really high pain tolerance, so i know this cant be good.

"okay my love lets go get some help yeah? can you try and stand up?", i say. she shakes her head as she lets out yelps of pain. i dont know whats happening but this is already a very off-putting start to the tour. 

i pick her up off the bed and carry her in my arms down the stairs to where everyone is sitting. my face is full of concern, and olive has tears streaming down her cheeks. 

everyone looks up and immediately starts to panic. 

"oh shit whats wrong?", finneas says as i place her down on the sofa thing in the corner. 

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