tour?? - 1

162 4 0

olive - 13

billie - 21

olives pov

my head throbbed as i rolled around in bed, barely conscious, and sighing as i reached my arm out blindly to my bed-side table to find my phone, which buzzed aggressively. 

"hello?", i said sleepily, not even checking who was calling before answering. 

"girl did you just wake up its like 10am", i heard billie giggle. 

"oh hii, yeah i did im a teenager let me live", i say back, opening my eyes to see my room now filled with light. my bed which sat against my wide open window, was still warm, most likely from my body heat mixed with the blazing morning sun, but id like to think from my pretty pastel yellow blankets, and beige pillows. my bedroom was my favourite place to be. it was covered in plants and band posters from steve lacy, to frank ocean, sza, coldplay, drake, and even a billie poster. i also had an array of vinyls that billie had been helping me collect, and my record player sat on my chest-of-drawers against the wall. 

"this is true. anyway i have some exciting news and i wanted to ask u something", she said, with happiness in her voice. a smile grew on my face waiting to hear what she hand to say. 

"go on", i said. "well as you know my tours coming up, and obviously finch is coming, but i felt like you never get to come, and so i asked my team and they said theyd get someone to talk to your school, so you could come do online school on tour with us. and claudia would come too obviously. but like only if you want to", she rambled. "and like i know youve been sturggling with school so my mama can help you, and if your still struggling with friends it would give you a good break from them..but of course only if you wanted to", she added, rambling even more. 

"BILLIE SHUT THE FUCK UP ARE YOU SERIOUS??", i yelled happily. "OF COURSE ILL COME OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH", i said, craving a billie hug. i was currently on spring break, and thats why i had been sleeping in so late, but school was going back in a few days and i was dreading it to say the least. 

"awhhhh yayyyyyy. i wanted you to come so bad i miss you so much everytime we leave", she says excitedly. 

"so we actually leave on thursday tho, so you better start packing", she says. THURSDAY? it was tuesday right now. i had one day!?
"wait fuck thursday? oh god thats so soon okay", i say.

"is that too much baby?", she replies. "no its the best im so excited", i say smiling into the phone

"ahhh yesssss", she says. "on one condition tho", i say and she pauses. 

"uh oh go on", she says nervously. "i have to sit next to you on every single plane ride...and in the bus too. can our bunks be near eachother??", i say cheesily. 

"OLIVEEEEEEE YOUR SO CUTE. of course we can sit together i dont wanna sit next to anyone else your like my best friend dude", she says and the excitement inside me grows. 

we talk some more and then once we say our goodbyes and hang up, i spring out of bed and run to the kitchen where my mom, dad and peach are sitting. 

"IM GOING ON TOUR BABBYYYYY", i scream happily and they both jump slightly, and turn around with smiles on their faces. 

"i hearrrrr. someones excited", my mom smiles, and she pulls me into a hug saying goodmorning. 


okay so i might have started like an actual story, which will be like ongoing until its not i guess, so its not really separate stories anymore. all the earlier chapters are just background information/fillers i guess but here goes nothingggggg. i hope it lives up to my expectations 😭

plz vote and comment if your exccciitttedddd or have any predictions/suggestions <3

also id add dates but i literally said it was spring break and i actually have no clue when spring even is in america BECAUSE IM NOT AMERICAN HEHE. so just make it up if you need dates 

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