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TW - SMUTTT ❗️❗️

olive - 10

billie - 18

y/n - (billies gf) 18

olives pov

the car pulls into billies driveway, and i cant contain my excitement, as i jump out of the car, running to the front door. 

"olive calm down shes not going anywhere", my dad says, as i stand at the door smiling. 

he slowly makes his way to the door and knocks, waiting for a response. we wait and wait, and it feels like forever. 

"maybe ill just call her. i think y/n is here, cause her car is", he says, finding billies name in his contacts and calling her. 

"hey bil were here", he says. 

"oh shit, okay ill just be like 5 minutes were just doing something, but olive can wait downstairs if she wants", she says, out of breath. my dad raises his eyebrows, hearing billies out of breath voice. 

"oh uh- okay sure. byeeee", he says. 

"why was she so out of breath?", i say. 

"umm- i dont know. anyway how about you let yourself in and just chill on the couch, cause i really have to go", he says, leading me inside. i give him a hug and kiss before sitting down on the couch, and watching him leave. 

i sit on my phone for a bit, petting shark who is laying affectionately in my arms. 

billies pov

"baby go faster, shes here already", i say as y/n reaches her lips to my throbbing core. she slides her tongue through my folds, and i let out small gasps. 

her fingers pound inside me against my g-spot, and i can feel myself approaching my climax. 

"faster baby", i moun out in between groans. 

my moans grow in volume as y/n speeds up her fingers, and sucks her tongue on my clit. 

"your so wet baby", she says seductively, and im even more turned on. 

my moans are almost screams by now, and i know were being too loud, but im enjoying it so much that i dont even care. 

olives pov

as im waiting downstairs for billie i start to get suspicious, hearing small groans coming from her bedroom. i hope shes not hurt. 

soon enough i can hear screams and i get worried. what the heck is happening??

i run upstairs to billies room, hearing the small moans mixed with loud screams coming closer, as i near her room. the door is closed, and i dont want to invade their privacy, but what if billies getting hurt? this is the weirdest thing ive ever heard. 

i slowly open the door, holding it tightly to try and avoid it squeaking. immediately my heart speeds up as i see whats inside. 

billies naked! 

i gasp as i accidently see even more. billies girlfriend is doing weird crazy things to billie, and billie is almost crying in pain, laying on the bed with her legs open. i feel like crying. what is happening. 

i let out a small scream, and cover my eyes, as i run away, tears falling down my cheeks. 

billies pov

i hear a scream from the stairs, and i look over at the door, which is now slightly open. 

"FUCK", i yell. 

y/n looks up from between my legs, stopping her actions, with a concerned look on her face. 

"did i hurt you baby", she says, as i sit up, pulling my clothes on quickly. 

"no my love you were great, but olive saw us", i say, panic rising inside me. 

"oh lord. how old is she again?", she says. 

"fuck my life. shes literally 10.", i say, running out of the room to find olive. 

eventually i find her in her designated room, which is a guest room, crying in a ball on her bed. 

"im so sorry you had to see that baby. i promise it wasnt anything bad. i can explain it if you want", i say, realising this is actually really bad. shes only 10 years old! claudia and finneas definitely have not given her any education on this topic, and especially with a girl! 

i just know finneas is gonna kill me. 

shes folded in a little ball with her knees against her chest, and her head against them in the corner of her bed, and she looks up at me slowly. 

"it looked like she was hurting you billie. i was so scared", she says sympathetically. 

"oh no my love i promise im fine. more than fine. im not really sure how to explain it but she was helping me not hurting me", i say, giggling slightly. fuck. shes gonna remember seeing me naked, getting eaten out for the rest of her life now. what the fuck have i done. 

"how about you have a shower, and im gonna call your dad, and then ill explain everything while we have dinner okay?", i say and she nods, with a scared look on her face. i pull her into a hug and she holds on tight. 

she runs off to have a shower, and i return to my room, giving y/n a look as i hold the phone against my ear, calling finneas. 

"hey..", i say with hesitation as it picks up. 

"what did you do", he says worriedly. 

"i did a really bad thing please forgive me", i say. 

"billie did you kill my daughter, what is going on?"

"uhm no it may be worse. she saw me and y/ in the bedroom", i say biting my nails. 


"yes im so so sorry. but i promise i can explain it to her. like if you want me to", i say. 

"i swear to god billie you really know how to fuck shit up. if your gonna do it well you can explain it, but if she comes home telling me she wants to fuck someone i swear ill kill you", he says. i hold my breath, hoping hes not actually too mad. 

"im so so sorry. thats the most embarrassing thing ever. she saw everything", i say. 

"fuck billie omg", he says. 

"okay well i really have to go, but please dont traumatise my daughter anymore", he says.

"i promise i wont. im so sorry, byeeee", i say as i hang up. 

i sit on our bed and look up at y/n with wide eyes as she comes to kiss my forehead. 

"we have to give her sex education", i say matter-of-factly. she pauses, a smirk growing on her face. 

"this is gonna be fun", she says with a cheeky grin. 


this is genuinely so weird but i cant lie i actually liked it. it was fun to writeee hhahahheheh

plz vote and comment, stay safe and healthy i love youuuuuu! ;)

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