sick at school 2

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billies pov

as i wait for olive to change into my clothes i gave her, i call finneas. to my surprise he picks up on the first ring. 

"where the fuck have you been, oh my fucking god finneas?", i say angrily into the phone. 

"woah calm down what do you mean whats wrong?", he says confused. 

"olive called you a bunch of times at school, and claudia too. shes really sick and i had to go pick her up. she literally cant stop throwing up, and she at my house right now.", i said worriedly biting my nails. 

"oh fuck oh my god. of course", he says bitterly. "we went on a hike and we had no service for like an hour, but she seemed fine this morning so i wasnt worried. 

"jesus fin, well do you want me to just look after her this afternoon until you get back? where are you anyway?", i say laughing off my anger. 

"we went to this new trail and it took way longer than we expected. were probably like an hour or two away from home with this traffic so it'd be great if you could look after her.", he says now with a worried tone in his voice. 

"hey billie im so sorry you had to go pick her up", i hear claudias voice speaking now. the phone must be on speaker. 

"oh no its fine i love olive you know that. she just seems really upset and shes not well at all, so ill just chill with her this afternoon.", i say. 

"yeah, i was gonna ask like how is she sick?", claudia asks inquisitively. 

"shes been throwing up ever since she called me from like the school bathroom which was probably half an hour ago, and she has a fever. shes been crying so much as well, but probably because shes sick", i say. 

"oh my poor baby. thank you so much billie we'll see you soon", claudia says, getting ready to end the call. 

"your welcome, i love yousssss drive safe", i say, making kiss noises into the phone as i hang up. 


i leave the kitchen and walk back into my room to find olive laying down in my bed. i wanna lay down with her and cuddle her, but im wearing jeans, so i go to my closet in the corner of my room and grab some comfortable grey sweatpants to put on. i strip my jeans off right in front of olive, because i literally do not care at all about her seeing me. shes not the type of girl to judge, and i know she really wouldnt care if i saw her getting changed, i just leave her so that she knows i respect her. 

once im changed i get into bed next to olive and cuddle into her, feeling the heat radiating off of her body. 

"my love your burning, should i get some fever medicine?", i say, jumping up from the bed. 

"i feel okay", she says sleepily, lifting her head from under the blankets, revealing her bright red cheeks. 

"yeah right, im gonna get that medicine and a cold cloth for your head. 


i return with the things, and start speaking as i help olive sit up. i place the damp cold cloth on her forehead, and give her a bucket, the medicine and her water bottle. 

"i called finneas and he said they went on a hike and they had no service, but theyre totally fine, and theyre on their way back now. theyre probably like an hour or two away so in the meantime we can just chill how does that sound?", i say. 

she nods in response and smiles slightly at me as i get back into bed next to her. we spend half an hour watching the office, and we laugh at all the stupid jokes. 

"uh oh billie, i feel sick again.", she says out of no where, as she starts panicking. i look over at her, and her eyes are wide and watering, her pace pale and green again. 

"alright its okay love, lets go to the bathroom. bring the bucket yeah?", i say as i help her off the bed. 

we slowly make our way into the bathroom, just in time for her to throw up in the toilet and all down her front. she throws up over and over again for a good 15 minutes, and i start to get worried before she finally stops. (tw)

by the time shes finished throwing up, my whole hoodie that shes wearing is covered in vomit, and tears are streaming down her face. 

"im so sorry billie i really didnt mean to-fuck.", she says as she lays her head against her arm which is laying on the toilet seat. 

"baby you do not need to apologise, its just a hoodie i can wash it", i say, as i sit next to her on the bathroom floor, once again rubbing circles on her back softly. 

"okay take that hoodie off and jump in the shower. im gonna call your dad again, but theyre probably close now anyway", i say. she pulls the hoodie over head, revealing her small pale body, with just a bra on. before shes fully undressed i give her a new hoodie and a shirt so she has options, and then walk out to the kitchen. 

just as i grab my phone to call finneas i see his red tesla pull into the drive way. i watch as both finneas and claudia jump out of the car and walk hurriedly to my front door. they dont even knock they just let themselves in, and are frightened when they see me standing in the kitchen. 

"bro thank god your here. she just threw up in like 10 times in 15 minutes im actually worried now", i said, not even bothering to say hi. 

"where is she?", finneas says, walking over to me, and hugging me. 

"thank you so much by the way for picking her up and taking care of her and everything", he says gratefully. 

"thats alright, just fufilling my aunty duties. shes showering right now cause she threw up all over my hoodie.", i said, reminding myself to go spray stain remover on the hoodie. 

as i walked into the wash room they both followed me, firing questions about olive, and i answered each one until olive finally came out from her shower. 

when she saw finneas and claudia she ran up to them, hugging them both. 

"thank god, your finally here", she says groggily. 

after a while of chilling in my lounge room, and talking about how olive was feeling, finneas jumps up and grabs olives bag. 

"we getter get going, i think we need to go to the doctor.", finneas groans, and claudia nods in response. 

olive is cuddled up against my side, with her head on my chest, and she groans in response to finneas' statement, looking up at me. i laugh.

"dont look at me, im not the one who threw up all over your hoodie", i chuckle at her. 

tears fill her eyes. "im sorry billie i really didnt mean to", she says as a few tears roll down her cheek. 

"oh noo honey i was just joking i really dont mind at all. i would do anything for you, you know that. now go to the doctor so you can get better my love", i say, cuddling her head in my arms, as she snuggles into me more. 

finally, i stand up, and she copies my actions.

we hug for a while, and i squeeze her tight. her hugs are my favourite. 

"bye bil", she says as she walks out the door, holding finneas' hand. 

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