6 <we sure talked a lot>

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Hey guys! thank you so so much for reading my story...

I was pretty busy this week but then again I managed to come up with this chapter...


BTW, I just had idea of what will the story's twist.. watch out for that!

Happy Easter!! :3 :DDDDDD


chapter 6 - we sure talked alot

Jake's POV

"Mmmmm. My favorite. Crab soup!" commended Kelly taking another spoon of the soup.

I just observed her. The Voice. I sure still can remember how we sang together. I enjoyed it so much. It's like, she's the only one who can make me reminisce my happy memories. So is this it? Is this what they call the feeling when an ordinary girl strikes out a not-so-ordinary boy? 

"Really?" I asked.

"yeah... My grandpa used to include this in our menu at the shop."

"Used to? So  you mean...."

"Yes. I guess customers don't really enjoy soups anymore huh. Since it doesn't add more extra income, grandpa decided to just take it out and replace it with different sides."

"You know,... I'm pretty allergic to seafoods, so I guess opposites do attract," I chuckled.

"What?! I'm not attracted to you."

Singing. "Yes you are...."

"No I am not."

"Go on. Don't be shy. Ask me out."

"Ok. Go out," she laughed.

"Funny?" Frankly, I admit that that's a good one. "I think I could make you happy,".

"Why,..?  Are you leaving?"

Kidding. "Ouch! that hurts!"

"But seriously. Would you go out with me?" I added.

Wait.... Is she blushing or it's just my handsome imagination? Does she like me now too? Wow huh. Guess my charisma is really irresistible even though I know she's not like that kind of girl. I mean girls like her don't judge outside appearances alone. You know what I'm talkin bout right?

As she was continuing to sip the soup, I just can't help to think that she might confess her feelings to me now. I mean, I can see her face's turning red.

Choking. "Um.... Jake! Jake!" she called.

"Yeah? So......" Wow! That was fast. I was just having thoughts on how she will confess but now, she's already and finally starting it. Three big points for you Jake! xD (so arrogant!)

Is she really going to I-love-you-too to me? How do I react? Wait....I should be not too obvious bout this. Fix yourself Jake! :3

Still choking. "Jake!"

"Yes?" Here it goes...........Whahahaha xD

"I ne-need you to-to." Coughing. "I need wa-water. Jake! Jake!"

Wait.... That's not what I was expecting. What?! Water!? Seriously Kelly? What the hell? :/

Kelly's POV

Coughing. "I need wa-water. Jake! Jake!" Doesn't he heard me?! Is he deaf or something? Hey Jerk! Can't you see I am choking in here?.... .... Oh screw it! I'll get it myself.

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