13 <the hurtful YES>

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Chapter 13- The hurtful YES

Kelly’s POV

“OMFG! Today is the freakin’ day Kelly! Ooooh… I’m so so excited,” blurted out Jelly as she jumped excitedly in my bed, waking me up.

“Yeah. I can tell,” I said, rubbing my eyes from the sudden noise she made.

“Oh shut up and celebrate with me. Come on,” she grabbed my hand, leaving me with no choice, jumping and shouting on my bed.

I just hoped we awaked no one. If the strings inside my bed brake, grandpa will definitely kill me. He’s pretty sensitive when it comes to things around the house. He always said ‘every thing we bought, comes great effort behind that’ so better take care of it.

“We are very excited! We are very excited! P-R-O-M! Shabuya! Sha-sha-shabuya roll call!” we both sang in chorus, crazily.

“My name is Jelly. Yeah! I like to party. Yeah! And when I shake it. Yeah! The boys say ‘Ai mami’,” she continued. (By the way this cheer is from the movie ‘Bring it on: All or nothing’. Check it out! There’s video on the side.)

“Shabuya! Sha-sha-shabuya roll call!”

“My name is Kelly. Yeah! Get out my face. Yeah! And when I shake it. Yeah! It’s like an earthquake!” I sang, happily.

A sudden loud knock on the door then disturbed us. “Hey! If you two don’t respect sleepless people, well I do!!! So both of you be quiet!!!” shouted grandpa, a little angry.

“Look who’s talking. He says to respect sleepless people but he’s the one shouting,” Jelly whispered, chuckling.

“Ssshhh. Shut up,” I told her. “Sorry!” I replied to grandpa, lying down on the bed, hyperventilating.

“Phew! Well… What do we do now? Prom is tonight and today’s classes are suspended for the preparations,” my besttie questioned me.

“I don’t know? Malling?” I suggested.

“Really Kel?” she sounded excited. “You really mean that? I’ve never heard you ask me to go to mall yourself before.”

Wait… What?! Malling? Did I say malling?! I was thinking about bowling yet I said malling? Oh boy. Now it’s too late. Jelly already left. Great Kelly! Just great. Not.

I decided to text Jelly I meant bowling instead of malling. Yes, she was disappointed but then she had no choice. I was not in the mood to go malling. I just might have seen bitches if that happened.

Jake’s POV

The day before prom.

“Come on man,” I demanded Christian to accompany me to make my plan work.

“I don’t know man. Maybe you should ask her first ‘bout this,” he replied hesitantly.

“If I tell her then it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore,” I assured him.

“Yeah right. Probably. But this might affect my status with Jelly. You know I’ve changed for the better. And my eyes are only for her. If she finds out I am helping you to---”

“Come on. You’re thinking too much. Trust me ‘kay?”

Christian let out a big sigh, his hand rubbing his chin like he was really thinking deeply and said, “Since when did I not trust you?”

“Nice,” I grinned at him, us bumping fists.

Thank goodness he agreed to this. Jelly told me Kelly was emotional yesterday so I tried not to disturb her. Maybe it was because of her mother’s death anniversary. I knew it was hard for her ‘cause if it was me it would surely be.

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