7 <maybe he's mistaken?!>

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Ei O! Hello! Ciao! Kamsahamnida! Kamusta! Helur! Ola! :DDD…


Chapter 7- Maybe he’s mistaken?!

Kelly’s POV

“Oh! So you’re awake already. Come sit down. I’m about to wake you actually. Coffee?” Nikki offered giving me a good morning look. :D

“No thank you,” I smiled. As I started to eat, I noticed that Jake wasn’t there. I can’t help not to ask Nikki ‘bout it, so yeah. I did!?

“Um… Hey. Is Jake gonna join us?”

“Oh Jakey? He’s done already.”

“So where is he now? I-I don’t mean to pry. I was just wondering…. You know?”

“No problem. He’s at the garden. Don’t think that it’s weird but he’s actually watering the plants. He does that every weekends,” she chuckled while stirring a glass of coffee.

“Right,” I answered awkwardly. I mean… is Jake really doing garden chores?

“Okay. Maybe it really is a little weird right? Haha. Mom punished him that.”

“What for?” I asked curiously.

“A little personal. I’m sure he doesn’t want anybody to know about it except Christian. But you yourself can ask him.”

“It’s okay. You don’t have to go beyond that,” I grinned.

I’m bulletproof nothing to lose

Far away, far away

My phone ringing. “Excuse me Nik, I’ll just take this,” her nodding and I excusing myself.

“Hello? RJ? Yeah. Okay. I know. Got it. Bye. You too.”

Jake’s POV

I can’t wait til summer. I’ll be able to finally finish this crap. Sigh. Alright. Done! Watering 50 pots of plants and fetching a pail of water one by one not to mention that our precious hose licks. :/ sucks.

Anyway, looking on the bright side, I can’t wait to go out with Kelly, the voice. I’ve got everything planned. First up, we get to go to the nearest theme park, be in different hilarious rides. Eat cotton candy and hotdogs. Next, watch a movie then have a drive in to Lake Bukal and catch the sunset together. Fun right? Or shall I say romantic? I know right?!

“Hey Kelly, you ready?” I politely approached her.

“Where are you two going?” asked Nikki.

“To have some fun of course.” I replied, receiving a furrowed eyebrow from Nikki.

“Um.. about that…, ” Kelly uttered.


“You see… today’s actually my duty in the coffee shop. I forgot?” she said forcing a smile with her pouted eyes like a puppy.

“You work?”

“No Jake. During weekdays, RJ and his grandpa manage their coffee shop and since today is Saturday, RJ is going to accompany his grandpa to his regular check-up so Kelly has to go to the shop,” Nikki explained. How can she know these? Oh right. I forgot. She’s RJ’s girlfriend.

“Don’t you have a manager?”

“We do but it’s better to monitor it by ourselves right?” Kelly answered smiling.

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