12 <revealed>

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Chapter 12- revealed

Kelly’s POV

“Where are we really going?” asked Christian confused. My bestfriend has been giving me headaches as she pulled my hand and Jake’s bestbud’s to where she wanted us to go.

“Yeah Jelly. We’ve been following you everywhere. Just tell us where we’re going,” I told her. She was very excited as soon as I decided to come with her at the mall. I saw no point in that at all. Why would she be so excited? We’ve been together since kids and we just chatted last night.

“There it is!” she screamed, sarcastically as she let go of our hands then went straight to a boutique?!

Christian and I just exchanged Uh-oh-what’s-she-up-to looks. “Come on you guys! Don’t just stand there,” Jelly called, waving.

The boutique was new. Everything in it was labelled as ‘new arrival’. I barely go to the mall so I was not so familiar with the kiosks or stalls. I figured that the boutique just opened recently since they were giving free gift certificates. We were lucky that we were one of the first 50 customers to get them.

“Uh… What am I suppose to do here?” Christian asked rubbing the back of his head.

“You’re suppose to give us opinions about the dresses that we’re about to fit,” answered Jelly.

Wait… What?! She said ‘we’ right? That meant I was included. “Wo-wo-woah. Wait Jel. I don’t even know if I’m going to prom or not,” I objected.

“Helloooo? Of course you will. That’s why we are here.”


“No buts. Sigh. Kel, prom doesn’t come to life often. Would you want to miss it for the world?” my besttie advised, calmly, looking at me straight in the eye.

She’s right. If mom’s still alive, she would want to let me attend prom. “Alright,” I nodded.

“Wait,” interrupted Christian. “I think I better call Jake too. It’ll be unfair if I’d only suffer right?” he teased.

“Suffer? Christian I’m telling you if you call J---”

“Perfect,” Jelly cut me. “Don’t be such an ass. It’s only Jake. Come on, let’s go.”

“Remind me how we were bestfriends?”

“Ha-ha. It’ll be long story. One day isn’t enough,” she chuckled. “Let’s just go. Come on,” she grabbed my hand and we then chose dresses.

It was already a week since the thanksgiving party and I didn’t talk to Jake that much after. Whenever he wanted to start a conversation, I would just reply ‘Yeah’, ‘Okay’ or ‘I know’. Also, he’s been calling me but I just settled with text. I know, in short I’ve been such a witch, I-I mean bitch.

Avoiding him since the party’s killing me. I admitted to myself that I was beginning to fall for him but Melanie’s words were still stuck in me. I kept forgetting our conversation about it but couldn’t. It scared me. Not for myself. But for Jake.

“Here try this,” I noticed Jelly handing me something. “Kelly? Kelly!”

“What? What happened? Is---”

“You were spacing out. Are you okay?” she asked, worriedly.

Was I okay? Was I’m doing okay? Then the words of Melanie struck on my mind again.

The voice huh? You’re a fake Kelly, you’re a fake! You know what should be done to fake people like you? Destroy them.

“Kelly! Are you really okay? Should I take you home?”

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