8 <we kissed! WTH!>

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Thanks @ljl666666 and @yttwilight for chatting with me. Jake's and Kelly's song composition on the side entitled "Let me be the one". It was originally by Jimmy Bondoc, my favorite singer.


Chapter 8 - we kissed! WTH!

Kelly's POV

"I'll be keeping an eye on you Kelly. You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why. Your conscience is coming to town," threatened Melanie in a sing-song manner. "Ciao!" as she walked out with an witch-b!tch-like face.

Conscience? My conscience? What did she mean by that? I haven't done anything. I mean I didn't lie to Jelly or RJ or Nikki or Jake. What's she up to now?

"Hey Kelly. Are you alright?" You seem a little bothered," concerned Jake with a confused face.

I was stunned by Melanie's words and I forgot that I was actually with Jake. He was busy talking to others so I guess he did not see Melanie talked to me. I decided to fix myself, be normal again and answer Jake's frickin' question. But the real question then stands, 'is t possible that Jake could fall for me even if... even if...I'm not... th-the...'

"Kelly!" called Jake. "Are you really alright? You're starting to freak me out."

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry 'bout that. I was... um... thinking..." Really Kelly? And what were you thinking? Being romantic with Jake? Good thinking! :/

"And what were you thinking?" he asked. Wow Jake, you can read minds too? What are you? Some Edward vampire or something? (I so love Edward Cullen though xD)

"Um.. Uh..." Should I tell him? Better not I guess. But you better come up with a good excuse, bet you already know you're not good at lying! "I-I was th-thinking if-if we could have a go-good album together! Yeah! That was what I thinking!" I grinned, trying to smile without being obvious it was a forced one.

Chuckling. "Your funny. But I would love that," ending his statement with a real, pure smile. I've never saw him having that smile before. It was not smirk or even a grin but really a smile that lighted up the entire room.

Is this the one that I wanted to give advice because of his arrogance? He's changed. He's one tough guy, yes, but deep inside, he's way more different than a typical bad boy in school.

"You should come with me. I have a surprise," he said, I, feeling undecided and confused at the same time.

"What surprise?"

"You think it'd still be a surprise if I tell you?" he giggled.

"Fine. I get it."

"And you still owe a special field trip with me okay?"

"What time?"

"Al...-right! I'll pick you up at about....," checking on his watch. "3 pm."

"Sigh. Deal. Do I even have a choice?"

"Hey, I'm not the bad guy here," he chuckled.


It was then 3 o'clock in the afternoon. It felt like the time was in favour of Jake. It was like only five minutes ago when he left and told me a certain surprise and now here he is again, honking his frickin car outside the shop waiting for me.

"Could you be a lil more patient? I'm on duty you know."

"That's not really a good excuse Kel. RJ's already back. See?"pointing my brother behind the counter.

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