15 <prom>

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Chapter 15 – prom

Jelly’s POV

“I can’t still contact him. I’m getting sick of this lady’s voice. Urgh!” complained Christian. “Where are you Jake? Where are you…”

“Try again. I just hope he doesn’t do something reckless.”

As he dialled again, “The subscriber cannot be reached. Please try again later.”

“Shoot. Where is he at this frickin hour?” I muttered loudly.

“I’ll try to keep calling him. I’ll ask my friends if they know where he is. You make sure Kelly is going too ‘kay?” he calmed me, his hands both on my shoulders and I nodded.

He drove me to Kelly’s and before he said his goodbye, I told him, “Uh… Christian?”


“Thank you,” I uttered, looking then down.

He stretched his lips widely and that made me smile too as I heard him replied, “I could say the same. Sigh. And Jelly?”


“You’re welcome.”

:) Ayiieeee….

Jake’s POV

“Nathan, why don’t you go inside and eat?” grampa suggested as I was watching the beautiful sunset and listening to the roar of the waves.

“I miss hearing that name,” I replied, not leaving my sight at the breathtaking view.

“I miss this too kid. You. Visiting me. In. Here. I just don’t know when my son, Nathan, will come back here. But I’m just happy you’re here anyway. You can be his replacement.”

“I can be his junior but I can’t be his replacement. You miss him too huh. We three used to camp out as boys’ night out.”

“Your dad chose to leave. He should take the blame.”

“But mom should’ve forgiven him. He wanted to stay at some point. That was just one mistake. One mistake grampa,” memories of the past struck my mind again.

“You were little. You didn’t understand,” he said, halfsmiling.

“Then why didn’t make me understand?”

“It’s complicated kid. Anyway, so what made you come here?” he answered as he changed the subject at the same time.

“Unpolluted air,” I managed to speak.

“Is it a girl?” he smiled to me again with a come-on-talk-to-me-I-know it’s-because-of-a-girl look.

“Yeah, yeah. How did you know?”

Laughing. “Hahaha. That’s because I was like you back then.” He grabbed a chair and sat with me after. “Your gramma used to reject me always. But it’s just that, the first time she helped me stand up when everyone was laughing at me, I think I felt love.”

“So it’s love at first sight? Yeah grampa. Keep fooling me,” I chuckled.

“What? It’s not like I can control it,” he defended as I gave him the are-you-serious look.

“Anyway… I didn’t give up of course. She may have always dumped me but I was persistent and consistent. She was always complaining on how annoying I was. Sigh. I miss her.”


“Okay, okay. Anyway… one day I heard her friends saying that her crush courted her and of course she immediately agreed to the guy to be his girlfriend. I almost lost hope because of the fact that she’s now taken. But since luck was on my side, I think after two days they broke up because the guy cheated on her.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2013 ⏰

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