9 <convo?>

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Chapter 9 - convo?

Kelly’s POV

“It was your first kiss Kel! OMG, I wish my crush Bryan could kiss me too. Sigh. Even it’ll not be my first kiss anymore. But anyway, how was it?” Jelly asked, excited to hear my answer.

It was my first kiss for goodness sake! How do you think I should react? Well half of me say that I liked it. I felt like I don’t want to brush my teeth anymore just to leave his scar and mark on my lips. But on the inside, honestly, part of me is telling that I didn’t deserve it.

The real question then stands: if I’m not exactly the voice that he was referring to, would he still like me? Wait… did I just thought that he actually liked me?! Wake up Kelly Clarkson! I-I mean Kelly Howard! My bad, got that wrong huh. Did he just make me forget my surname? What’s wrong with me? Tsk. Heck.

“Kelly what?... I’m waiting,” she blurted. Right. I almost forgot, what was she asking about again? Damn it. Fix yourself Kelly!

“Um. Uh. Wh-What was what?” I stuttered, I didn’t even paid attention to what she’s saying. All that mattered to me was the question, ‘could Jake really like a girl like me?’ It’s not that I haven’t been in a relationship before. But it wasn’t even serious at all!

FYI, I had my first boyfriend, Ron, when I was a freshman but it was because my classmates always tease us that’s why eventually, he courted me, I felt like I had the most stressful feeling ever, peer pressure. But I broke up with him a week after, I didn’t even know if he liked me or not. Like I care. :/

And then there’s this second boyfriend, Charlie, whom I admit I quite loved but that was before I knew he was only with me because of a stupid dare with his freakin’ friends. Good thing he transferred to another school, ‘cause if he did not, it’ll probably be the weirdest feeling ever of seeing him every day in school.

“I was asking what did you feel when he kissed you?”

“It was awkward?” I spoke, sounding more like a question rather than a statement. :/

“That’s it? Not what I was exactly expecting,” she said, disappointed.

“I-I don’t know Jel. Sigh. I just don’t know how to describe it you know… but…but…well…I felt…”

“Felt what? Cut the suspense already!”

“Well…I felt like there were butterflies in my stomach and that the world was about to end like Jake and I were the ones only left,” I stated, happily. Thank goodness I’m only telling Jelly this over the phone because I could really feel that my face is turning tomato red. @_@

“OMG Kelly!”

“Jel what? Something wrong? Should I take it back and change what I just said? Jelly speak! You’re making me nervous? Should I avoid him? Stop thinking about him? Should I--”

Interrupting .me. “Kelly you’re in love!” she shouted, that even my neighbours could hear. I hope RJ and grandpa didn’t though. It’ll be a huge problem if that happens.

“I’m what?! Seriously Jelly? I-I’m not! What are you talking about? And please don’t shout like that, others might hear you and think I’m I’m really--”

“IN LOVE!!!” she screamed again. Shoot.

“I-I’m not Jel. I think you’re confused.”

“Silly. You are the one who’s confused. Don’t keep denying it. Kelly, I’m your BFF okay? Remember B. F.F my goodness! Duh… I can even recognize your own fart,” she said, emphasizing the BFF and fart part. Well that’s funny, it rhymes! xD

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