10 <What a bitchy day!>

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Chapter 10 - What a Bitchy day!

Kelly's POV

Another day passes by, I'm dreaming of him and though I know it might be it's still just a dream. But hey! I heard dreams do come true! It's Monday today and the typical question pops up again: What the heck do I wear?

I've always had problems about fashion before and usually, I would just pick what I want but today... Sigh... I don't know if it's just me but I hardly trust my instinct on choosing what to wear.

I guess a little help from Jelly won't be a problem at all.

"Hey what's up? This is a little not you Kelly. How weird. This better be important. You don't call me early in the morning," blurted Jelly before I can even say something.

Well yeah she maybe is right. I don't call her early in the morning. It's one thing I know about her. She hates it when someone disturbs her beauty sleep but it's good to know she's already up.

"Um. Okay. Can you please help me what to wear?" I asked her straight to the point.

"Seriously? And since when are you concerned on what to wear in school? You usually don't care about what others think about your outfit during schooldays." Can she just help me instead of blabbering? She has a point though. Oh screw it! I'll take care of this myself. Maybe calling her is a bad idea.

"Forget it. I'll just pick something that I can come up even though I'm not really good at it. Even though I was calling my best friend to ask her opinion but then she won't help me immediately. Even though I'm such a dumbass when it comes to fashion. Even though---"

"Alright. Alright. You sound like a brat." Told you she would buy it! :D

"Yeah. Yeah. Just help me out okay?"

"Okay. Well I think you're V-neck blouse that has an abstract print in it, match it up with your green high-waist shorts. Wear a sling bag too! it'll help. Oh wait, Christian's calling. Gotta go. Bye Kel!"

"wait! Wait Jel---" Toot toot toot toot.

Damn that Christian. Keeps distracting my best friend. What happened to not-disturbing-her-early-in-the-morning? I just hope they don't end up regretting what they're doing now.

But anyways, back to my problem... green high-waist shorts? Like seriously?! This was given by Nikki as a present last Christmas. I haven't even worn it before in school. Guess that's why Jelly wanted it.

"Kelly! Hurry up! I'm leaving," shouted RJ. He's going to drop me by the school since he's having duties at the coffee shop. You know... daily routines.

"Alright! Just five more minutes!" I replied, still undecided if I should wear the frickin' shorts.


"Do great at school today lil sis," uttered RJ, kissing my forehead as he said his goodbye.

"I always do big bro. thanks for the ride."

As I was walking down the aisle, I-I mean the hallway... I got these cold glares which I don't freakin' care. In this school, one day you're number 1 topic, the next day they'll divert their attention at someone else and spread rumors.

It's like if looks could kill, RJ's probably be grieving by now. I know I said I don't care, but they're just getting into my nerve which is starting to piss me off. What are those glares for?

"There she is. She's the one who slept at Jake's place. Slut," gossiped a girl near my locker. Who does she think she is to call me a slut? And to think that the looks that I've been receiving's because they think I slept with Jake?! What the f*ck?!

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