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is it a new start, or the end?


as soon as the words "i don't think we should do this anymore" left his mouth, gyuvin regretted saying it.

but he couldn't take it back. it was too late. and it was for him and ricky's own good.

gyuvin noticed the way ricky subtly avoided him. and it's okay. he didn't want to force ricky into a relationship that he didn't want.

the hurt look on ricky's face when he dropped the bomb was still engraved in his mind, though.


ricky had never loved anyone like he loved gyuvin. it's so strange hearing those words when he was literally planning to marry this man in the future. (yes, it started as a high school relationship but it bloomed into a lot more than that okay)

it was another one of those nights where ricky just wanted to numb all the pain (by drinking until he drops, of course!)

he drives until he reaches the bar near his apartment. the bell hanging on the door chimes as he plops down onto a stool and orders a drink.

ricky surveys his surroundings. just a of drunk couple making out next to him, a tired looking barista and a man who resembles gyuvin surrounded by a few other people.

wait, gyuvin?

ricky feels his whole world stop. he recognizes hanbin, gunwook, taerae, matthew and jiwoong, which is basically the whole gang, but all he can see right now is gyuvin, gyuvin and gyuvin.

gyuvin is dead drunk. which is weird, becuase gyuvin doesn't drink. and he was crying. oh, shit, he was crying.

through ringing ears he makes out the words "i miss him so bad" escaping gyuvin's mouth, as he desperately clutches onto hanbin, the older hugging him tightly and letting his tears stain his shirt.

ricky could only stare as gyuvin cries his heart out.

snapping out of his daze, he scrambles out of his chair and runs out of the bar. the drink he ordered was untouched. it's alright, ricky was rich.

and with that, ricky drives home.


the next morning ricky does some contemplating. he needs some answers from gyuvin.

he aimlessly scrolls through the apps on his phone, trying to find a platform where gyuvin didn't block him on. seems like the only option was his discord account that he made when he was in 5th grade. fuck.

he opens the app and physically recoils when he sees the user "coolmfricky" staring right back at him, with a picture of a basketball as his profile picture. he quickly fixes those details because he is NOT texting gyuvin with a username like that.

after what seemed like ages, he texts gyuvin.

can i come over?
say yes

there. he sent it. why was he so nervous, jeez? he sounded so desperate. (cuz he was)

he walked around his apartment, made coffee, ate some strawberries and looked at some cat pictures because he was a bit scared to check his phone. finally, he decided to take a little peek.

he sent the message 17 minutes ago. and gyuvin replied. what the fuck. why does he still have the damn app? ricky wasn't one to speak though, he had it too.

i guess
why r u texting me here.

u forgot a platform, dummy
i'll be there in 10

ricky smiled a little. gyuvin was trying to act nonchalant. quickly, he packed his things and practically sprinted to gyuvin's place.

ricky had to do a double take when gyuvin opened the door. he had obvious tear stains under his eyes, and his voice was hoarse when he croaked out "why'd you want to see me? i broke up with you."

ricky decided to skip all the greetings. "why do you still miss me?" he asked, boring his eyes into gyuvin's soul.

"what?" gyuvin spluttered in response. "where did you get that from?"

"you're a bad liar." ricky barked out a laugh. he was getting a bit mad. he needs an explanation. like now. "hey, kim gyuvin. tell me, do you still love me?"

gyuvin's face was as red as a beetroot. that gave enough explanation.

"why'd you break up with me if you still love me?" ricky exclaimed, his eyes watering.

"i-" gyuvin was shook. like, he didn't know ricky was so affected by this. "why did you just randomly start avoiding me out of the blue? i really, really thought you loved me, ricky."

"i do!" the other replied, wiping his eyes. "i was avoiding you because i thought you didn't love me anymore! wait."

ricky wasn't even upset anymore. he was a bit disappointed.

"so we broke up with each other because we thought the other wanted it, but neither of us actually did." ricky concluded with his lips pressed into a line.

they looked at each other for a few beats before mutually bursting into laughter.

"ricky, why are we like this?" gyuvin stated.

they slowly calmed down, and ricky broke the silence first by asking, "so... can i get a make up kiss?"

gyuvin choked on his own saliva as he glared at ricky, who was watching him with a straight face. "damn, i didn't know you missed me this much." he teased, before connecting their lips together. finally, everything was back to normal. he missed ricky so bad he thought he swore he was about to pass away.

"let's start over?"

"we literally broke up less than a week ago, but okay."

"great, remember to unblock me on instagram. i miss sending you reels."

"you mean you miss me."


back to zerobase, but they were ready to rewrite their chapter.

a/n: i literally have a math and physics test tmr which i haven't studied for either of them but instead i'm writing this 😐 it's literally 12am nahh bro screw me fr. let's hope common sense gets me through my physics test (it won't) (i'm literally going to fail) i'm not even gna try to study bcs i'm about to drop dead from exhaustion and i'm prioritizing my HEALTH over my grades (my parents will kill me if i fail) ok gn

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