and i

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like any normal student, gyuvin was a phone addict. or more specifically, an instagram addict. unlike most normal students, gyuvin was kind of in love with his roommate, also known as his best friend. or more specifically, ricky. gyuvin likes to label himself as rickysexual. he's not gay, he just likes ricky.


anyways, gyuvin had a habit of stalking. the victim of today was, well, take a wild guess. if you guessed ricky, you're right! so gyuvin was just staring at ricky's instagram posts when he refreshed the page and a new story popped up on ricky's instagram. it wasn't just a normal story too, it was a close friends story. gyuvin didn't even know he was in ricky's close friends, seeing how the other barely even posts on his public story.

gyuvin clicks into the story. ricky had reposted a reel.

in said reel, there was a couple doing the trend where they bump into each other, look at each other for a few seconds, before kissing (i'm not sure what to call that trend i hope ykwim). the text above the reel read "you and i in the future, trust".

gyuvin is confused. who is ricky talking to? he wasn't aware that ricky had a crush. plus, he would've told him. they're best friends after all.

the reel was cute though. so gyuvin liked the story and swiped.


another day, another stalking ricky! yes, this was his daily routine. what are you gonna do about it?

oh look, another close friends story. say, ricky has been pretty active on close friends lately.

on the story ricky put a meme of a stickman screaming and puking blood. (this one)

the caption above read "i want u so bad"

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the caption above read "i want u so bad".

literally who? gyuvin is confused, again.

he swipes.


gyuvin is out buying groceries when ricky posts. no, he absolutely does not have notifications on.

in the pictures ricky is just posing like in every other post he posted. the caption was a little different this time though, it reads "i <3 u".

who? does ricky really have a boyfriend or what. he's going to have to confront ricky tonight. (he ends up forgetting)

gyuvin spams the comments with "SLAY 🔥" and "WHAT'S ETA BACKWARDS" like any best friend would do. then he scrolls.


the fourth story is simple, just text, no pictures. this is the most stories ricky has ever posted in a week. this is the usual amount of stories he posts in like 2 months.

"u still haven't caught on 💀"

again, who?

kim gyuvin is a well mannered man. he'll respect ricky's boundaries like his mom taught him to and won't stick his nose into other's business, even if that was his best friend and he was curious as hell.

so, he swipes.


it's a friday, and it's 6pm. which means gyuvin is lounging on the couch scrolling through his phone while ricky is out buying clothes or something. surprise, surprise, a new story posted by ricky pops up again.

again, no pictures, no reposts, just text.

"can u just fucking reply to my story"

ricky is NUTS! gyuvin cannot take it anymore. he replies to the story.

who r u even talking abt .

a reply from ricky appears seconds later.

no way he replied

omg whatd he say




the door clicks open just as gyuvin is again, scrolling on his phone and eating instant noodles.

"i'm back." ricky announced, hands full of gucci and louis vuitton bags. gyuvin hums in response, taking a quick glance at ricky before going back to stuffing his face with noodles.

30 minutes later, ricky is sitting on the couch on his phone, makeup off, bare face on display. gyuvin tries not to stare, instead focusing on the plate that he is now washing, bare faced ricky is his weakness 😔 (me too)

he can feel ricky observing him, as if studying him.

"so, what'd you think of my stories?" ricky breaks the silence first.

gyuvin spins around and tries to act nonchalant, as if he's not lowkey wishing death on the man ricky is pining for. "uhh, why are you asking me? shouldn't you be asking your crush?"

ricky facepalms. "i am."

gyuvin's brain short circuits. "what are you talking about."

"you still haven't caught on?" ricky gets up from the couch and strides over to gyuvin. "you're kind of slow." he states.

"excuse me?" gyuvin frowns, feeling offended.

"gyuvin, you're the only one in my close friends." ricky says softly, acting like he didn't just drop the most life changing statement gyuvin has ever heard in his 19 years of living.

"wh- huh? you- uh. me?"

ricky looks thoroughly amused. yup, this is the one.

gyuvin finally finds his voice. "so all this time the one you liked was me."

"sounds about right."

"and you couldn't have sat me down, and then confessed or something."

"where's the fun in that? i thought you would've caught on immediately, but you're dumber than i thought."



"oh, i like you too by the way."


"DUDE, MY EARDRUMS? why are you so surprised anyway, you're the one who confessed."

"and you're still dude-zoning me."

a/n: wsg 💯 it's 12am again no way! anyways the thought process behind this is because there are a lot of social media elements in the lyrics of and i so i came up with this. zb1 comeback soon btw yay they look so good in the concept photos bye

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