in bloom

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my day begins and ends with you.


one ring, two rings, three rings, ricky picks up.

"rickyyy," gyuvin whines. "i miss you."

he can hear ricky chuckling on the other side of the phone call. "i miss you too, gyuv."

they catch up on random things, like how gunwook accidentally mistook a random man on the street as matthew and followed him for like 10 minutes, or how yujin lost his favorite stuffed animal and forced the others to host a funeral for it.

"ricky, i miss your face." gyuvin declared. "i'm going to facetime you."

as soon as the line connected, ricky's pretty face popped into the frame, he was lying on his stomach on the bed, with a pair of glasses perched on his nose. gyuvin's heart skipped a beat.

"ricky!" gyuvin said happily. "you look very distinguished."

ricky giggled (and then fairies were born.) "i literally just came back from school."

"i'm a bit upset. like how do you look this good any time of the day?"

"stand up, gyuvin."

"i think i'm good."

when ricky told him that he was going back to la for school, gyuvin was absolutely devastated. but a year had passed and he had slowly (though painfully) gotten used to it. long distance relationships was certainly not something he would prefer to go through, but as long as it's ricky, he'll was okay with anything. (he would swallow a ceiling fan whole if ricky asks him to 🎀)

gyuvin's heart ached as he reminisced their memories together, back when ricky was still in korea. the deep conversations on the rooftops and the warmth of ricky's embrace all remained vivid in his mind. but 9580 km is just a number, guys!

"i can't believe it's been a year since you left. time passes by so quickly, i swear i blinked and then a year is gone. i miss bickering with you." he mumbled sadly.

ricky's eyes softened. "i know. we've made it so far and i'm so proud of us. you do know how many couples have grown apart because of long distance, right?"

"yeah, yeah." gyuvin waved him off. "you don't need to worry about that. you're the only one for me."

ricky flushed. "remember i'm coming back in spring. and that's in like, 2 months."

"it's what i look forward to every day." and it was the truth.

"i wish i could teleport back to seoul anytime, give you a million kisses and then teleport back just in time for school." ricky sighed wistfully.

"me too," gyuvin frowned. "i can't wait to see you. i even set a countdown on instagram." he said, before showing proof of his story, a countdown right in the middle of the screen that read: "RICKY BACK FROM LA???🔥THIS CALLS FOR CELEBRATION" with like that by laila as the background music. ricky laughed in disbelief. (it's the do you want me? do you wanna love me song from ig reels 😭i had to search it up too)

their conversation carried on for hours, and they stayed on the call even when they were doing their own thing. gyuvin snuck glances at ricky through the screen, admiring how he looked perfect even when he was doing laundry.

"isn't it almost 12am for you?" gyuvin asked, breaking the silence when he saw ricky stifle a yawn.

ricky glanced at the clock. "oh, yeah. time just flies by when i'm talking to you."

"go to sleep, kim ricky." gyuvin said softly. "i'll talk to you tomorrow."

ricky sent him his signature gummy smile. "i'll text you when i wake up."

"i love you," gyuvin said, blowing a kiss. ricky pretended to catch it, and with that, they ended the call.

call ended: 6 hours and 31 minutes.

gyuvin flopped onto his bed, massaging his eyes because of looking at the screen too long. he missed ricky already. it had been approximately 2 minutes and 10 seconds. how is it possible to love someone this much? even two years into their relationship, ricky still made gyuvin kick his feet like a high school girl simply by breathing.

it was fine though, because he knew when the flowers were in bloom, he would finally see ricky again, and be able to hold him in his arms. physically.

and when ricky finally returned from la, seeing his wide smile in real life was enough for gyuvin. (he totally didn't break down in front of like 200 other people in the airport, by the way.)

a/n: my entire face when reading this 😐 this is so bland sorry guys i rly couldn't think of anything better and it's so boring i swear. i physically can't write over 1k words what is wrong with me 😭 i may be the mayor of yappington but not when it comes to wattpad ok! also what's with me and publishing chapters at 12am (+ i totally flopped my physics test.)

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