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always, 같은 자리 같은 시간 속에


korea, 1483

kim gyuvin was a regular working class individual who lived with his brother and mom. his dad had died when he was just a baby, so unfortunately he had little to no memory of him. he worked hard to support his family, as his brother was still too young to work.

one day, as he was headed to his job as a craftsman, he walked past the river he usually comes across on his way to work. today, there was something different about it.

sitting near the water was a boy, with a tall frame and wide shoulders. his hanbok accentuated his tiny waist. he looked about gyuvin's age, and his skin was as smooth as glass.

the wind blew back the blonde's hair delicately, and he closes his eyes. everything he did seemed to be elegant. there seemed to be an ethereal aura surrounding him.

god, he was beautiful. just like that, gyuvin thinks he's found the love of his life.

he's about to approach the boy before he remembers that he still has work to go to. he silently curses the heavens for the ungodly timing. reluctantly, he tears his eyes away from the gorgeous boy and walks away.

when he returns from work, the boy is nowhere to be found.

the next few months gyuvin searches for the boy by the river every day. he never sees the boy again.

i'll find you in my next life. i promise.


los angeles, 1997

july 10, 1997. the weather is hot, and gyuvin's shirt sticks to his body with sweat. despite that, he is as ecstatic as ever. every step he seems to be buzzing with excitement, the loud music of the santa monica pier echoing in his ears as he walks around with his friends, a wide smile on his face.

"our first trip together, how do you feel, gyuvin?" hanbin asks him, slightly yelling so his voice could be heard over the music. he forms a fist with his hand to create a makeshift mic and raises it below gyuvin's mouth.

gyuvin lowers his head slightly. "it feels great!" he replies, grinning manically. hanbin laughs and swings an arm around gyuvin's shoulder, his other arm around hao's waist.

"i can't believe i'm actually in los angeles. tell that to 1990 me, and he'd laugh in your face." taerae says, and matthew and jiwoong nods their heads in agreement synchronously.

"guys, look! there's a roller coaster!" yujin raves.

"yujin, look! there's cotton candy over here." gunwook slaps yujin's shoulder excitedly, successfully gaining his attention. "guys, get over here! there's cotton candy!"

gyuvin is about to follow his friends over to the stall when in his peripheral vision, he sees someone in the living form of an angel standing near a popcorn stall, dressed in a leather jacket and baggy jeans, with a pair of glasses perched on his nose. he was tall, but not as tall as gyuvin. his blonde hair was styled messily, the strands slightly tousled in the wind. gyuvin couldn't shake off the feeling of familiarity. he stares, entranced, but is forced to look away when someone tugs on his shirt.

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