take my hand

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gyuvin gulps. his eyes slowly look up at his nightmare -- also known as a roller coaster that was practically as tall as the eiffel tower with 50 thousand loops. he couldn't believe his eyes and ears. his friends really wanted to ride on this thing?

"oh my gosh, this looks so cool. i'm so excited, what the fuck." ricky exclaims, basically bouncing with excitement. gyuvin eyes him warily. "i read all the reviews online, the drop is insane, apparently. like it goes straight down."

gyuvin has just lost several years of his life.

he lets out a shaky breath and follows his friends over to the entrance of the roller coaster.

"who's going? i'm definitely going, that's for sure." ricky says, looking at the rest of them expectantly.

"i'll pass for today," hao replies, rubbing his temples. "i almost died after riding that damn teacup ride."

"me too," hanbin adds.

"i can go if gyuvin doesn't want to," gunwook suggests, noticing gyuvin's unusual body language.

"no!" he cuts in, a little too quick. "uh- i mean, i can go." ricky looks at him questionably, but he doesn't ask.

gunwook shrugs. "fine by me. come back in one piece, please."

"we'll wait for you here." hao says, and off gyuvin and ricky goes onto their little adventure! or alternatively, gyuvin walking right into his deathbed.

when the harnesses strap him in place, gyuvin realizes that he's fucked. ricky, on the other hand, looks overjoyed, so as long as he was happy.

the roller coaster soon takes off, and immediately begins looping, like where is the warning? gyuvin feels slightly nauseous. they didn't even give him any time to prepare himself!

after approximately 13 loops, the roller coaster slows and travels upwards slowly, the loud screeching of the rails echoing in gyuvin's ears. he makes the worst mistake of his life and looks down briefly. the people below are as small as ants, and gyuvin pales, beads of sweat appearing on his forehead. he shuts his eyes tightly, breathing out in short pants as his heart pounds against his chest.

"gyuvin?" ricky's soft voice snaps him out of his little overthinking session. "you okay? do you wanna take my hand or something?"

gyuvin opens his eyes and looks at ricky's concerned face, then at the hand he's offering. he silently nods, releasing the iron grip he has on the harness so he can transfer that iron grip onto ricky's hand.

"is something wrong?" ricky asks, raising his voice slightly so he can be heard over the noisy scratching. gyuvin can hear the worry in his voice and he hates it. he doesn't want to ruin this experience that ricky has been looking forward to for weeks.

"uh... i'm scared of heights." he simply confesses.

the roller coaster travels even higher and they are almost upside down at this point. "WHAT? i've known you for 4 years and i didn't know about this?" ricky yells. "what are you even doing here then?"

"i wanted to be with you." gyuvin yells back, and he grasps ricky's hand even tighter. ricky doesn't make any move to let go, and he has this look on his face that gyuvin can't decipher.

directing his gaze back forward, gyuvin realizes that they are quite literally at the top. oh well, here it comes. i love you mom, i love you dad. as the cart goes over the edge, gyuvin can hear someone behind him shout, "i'm gay!" so he decides to follow along and YOLO.

"ricky, i like you!" he yells at the top of his lungs, as the roller coaster finally tips over and plunges downwards. gyuvin screams in a very unattractive way all the way down, his knuckles white against the harness.

and after what seems like 50 years, the ride is over. gyuvin's hand is still in ricky's. gyuvin dares to give a side glance to ricky, who seemed like he was going through 25 different emotions at once. they clamber out of the cart clumsily, steadying each other and walks back in silence.

ricky slows to a stop at a park bench. gyuvin follows suit.

"uh... actually i like you too." ricky smiles, and gyuvin almost dies. again. for like the third time today.

"ahem... cool..." he scratches his nape, still woozy from that monstrous ride, and he thinks his brain is probably in a puddle right now.

"so are you gonna kiss me or what." ricky deadpans, even though the blush on his cheeks say otherwise.

gyuvin smiles lopsidedly and leans in. and then promptly runs away, more specifically to the nearest trash can to puke his guts out.

when he straightens, ricky looks like he's fighting demons to stifle his laughter. gyuvin, being a man who laughs at almost everything, bursts into laughter, and soon ricky does the same. when they calm down, ricky shoves a bottle of water into his hand and signals for him to drink.

and then ricky's lips are on his.

a/n: if you cannot tell this is based on that scene in 20th century girl because i love 20th century girl with my whole life and byeon wooseok is my man fr like i love him sm bye

a/n: if you cannot tell this is based on that scene in 20th century girl because i love 20th century girl with my whole life and byeon wooseok is my man fr like i love him sm bye

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