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if you want me i'll be there, you're my destination


in gyuvin's 19 years of living he has never been so interested in someone. interested as in like, you want to analyze their entire life, kind of interested.

okay, maybe he also had a little crush on that someone too, it's really not that serious. at least he's not in denial like taerae.

him and gunwook were standing at the front of the class presenting about their economics project or whatever, but his mind was elsewhere, more specifically, drifting back to the scene he witnessed during the morning.

it was ricky walking by the lockers, eyes glued to his phone when he bumped into sung hanbin, who is literally the entire population's crush. it wasn't a bump that caused him to splay onto the floor and drop everything in his hands, but it caught ricky off guard and he blinks up at hanbin. what surprised gyuvin was that the two seemed to know each other, as ricky immediately smiles after recognizing who it was and they start conversing.

now, gyuvin has barely seen ricky smile. gyuvin is pretty sure the only time he's ever made ricky smile was when he accidentally rolled down the stairs back in 10th grade. sure, they're friends, but not close enough like him and gunwook, because they are bros, partners in crime, whatever. ricky smiling at hanbin could only mean one thing.

before his mind can wander even further, his thoughts are cut short when gunwook elbows him hard in his ribs, before whispering "dude, it's your part", forcing gyuvin back into his academic weapon era. only then does he realize he's been standing in complete silence for like 5 seconds, zoning out and studying a 30 second interaction he saw in the morning.

at the back of the room, he sees ricky quirk a small smile. does this boy only laugh at his embarrassing moments or what? it was still a smile, though, so that's a win for gyuvin.


gyuvin is having a problem. his phone just randomly went missing in the middle of the day. he's fairly certain that he didn't leave it at home because he was watching san fancams all the way to school, so he definitely lost it somewhere near the campus.

("how your ass lose your whole phone, bro?" gunwook had asked him. "i have to go to club now, sorry. can't look for it with you.")

he's walking around aimlessly in the hallways during free period, hoping it would just be lying somewhere because it can't possibly be that hard to find a phone.

thanks to his luck, ricky walks by.

"oh, ricky!" he calls. "are you free right now?"

said boy stops and nods. "yeah, why?"

"uhh... this is kind of awkward but i lost my phone. have you seen it anywhere?"

ricky shakes his head. "no, but i can look for it with you. it can't be far from here, right?"

gyuvin mutters a silent prayer to bless ricky's heart. "yep. sorry for interrupting whatever you're doing."

ricky, who is already searching, waves it off. "it's no problem. i wasn't doing anything anyways."

they've been searching for a good 20 minutes when ricky asks, "i know you've probably done this but have you searched in your locker?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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