melting point

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what happened to me? 많은 사람 속 너만 보여


stage one

something ricky discovers about himself when he joins yuehua is that he is not that good of a person. he realizes this when he bores holes into the back of kim gyuvin's head, heart filled with gut wrenching jealousy.

kim gyuvin, with his long legs, gentle smile, and lovely, kind, eyes.

kim gyuvin, who gets along with everyone.

kim gyuvin, who works the hardest among all of them.

kim gyuvin, who is caring to all the trainees, including ricky.

and kim gyuvin, with his big, big heart full of love.

gyuvin makes ricky feel stupid. it's a one sided rivalry after all.

gyuvin is too kind to be hated. and that's why ricky hates him. because he can't.

who is ricky to dislike gyuvin?

he knows he doesn't actually dislike gyuvin. deep down, he wants to be like him.


stage two

"i like your shoes." someone says, as ricky uncaps his water bottle. looking up, he meets eyes with the one and only kim gyuvin.

ricky blinks once, then twice. "thanks. it's from, um, gucci." he regrets the words right after they leave his mouth. what if gyuvin thinks he's bragging?

gyuvin doesn't seem to mind. "isn't this the first time we've actually talked?" he continues, as he sits down next to ricky. "you know, i really want to be your friend."

huh. "me? why?"

gyuvin shrugs as he glances at ricky, head tilted slightly. "i don't know. you're kind."

"you think i'm kind?" ricky's eyebrows raise automatically in disbelief. "no one's ever said that to me before." i'm not a kind person.

gyuvin nods. "yeah. you also work really hard. you're always the last to leave the practice room, and you're not... i guess, selfish, like most rich people i know. i hope that doesn't offend you, but you're genuinely really cool. your tattoo is really cool, too. ah... sorry, i'm rambling."

and ricky can only smile sadly, as his heart slowly cracks into two. he feels guilty for ever thinking that he disliked gyuvin. you're the one who's kind, not me.


stage three
partners in crime

"i can't believe they're making us compete against each other." ollie says, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"i knew this would happen." hao replies, voice trembling slightly. "this always happens when there are foreign trainees."

gyuvin has a determined look on his face. "i won't let some show separate us. our bond is stronger than this, guys." ricky looks up from where his eyes rest on the floor. kim gyuvin, with his big, big heart full of love. gyuvin meets his eyes. they share a bittersweet smile.

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