our season

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winter, spring, summer, fall 사계절을 넘어 our season


their performance was in a month and gyuvin had, indeed, NOT been practicing in his alone time even though taerae had warned them a thousand times to do so.

("okay guys, remember to practice at home. you actually have to!" taerae exclaims, looking very pointedly at gyuvin.

"gotchu." gyuvin waves him off, and taerae nods, reassured. he in fact, did not got him.)

today gyuvin is done procrastinating. he had a little self reflection and realized that damn, he should really practice.

he begrudgingly pulls himself out of the snug warmth of his blankets and walks to the backyard, where his drum set that hasn't been touched in about 8 months resides. he grabs some wet wipes just in case it was covered in dust, which it was.

gyuvin suddenly realizes that he probably should've practiced before because he almost forgot how to play. aside from the regular practices at the school music rooms, gyuvin never actually plays the drums in his free time. luckily for him, the moment he started playing, the muscle memory returns and he is able to pull off the rest of the song without much mistakes.

time flies as he keeps practicing and soon it's 5pm. he's been playing for 3 hours straight. gyuvin stretches his arms and cracks his fingers and he is almost proud of himself for locking in, but at this point the universe really says "fuck gyuvin" as a basketball comes hurtling at full speed his way. did i mention that there is a basketball court right beside gyuvin's backyard? well, now you know.

the basketball hits him square in the back of his head, causing him to drop his drumsticks and fall off his chair, creating a series of clanging, clattering, and banging.

including the yelp he let out as he fell, it must've been a pretty loud noise because the owner of the basketball comes rushing over.

"shit, you okay?" a voice asks, concerned.

gyuvin's vision refocuses and he finds himself staring at the prettiest boy he has ever laid eyes on, with slicked back blonde hair and eyes that resemble a cat. said pretty boy kneels down and picks up the basketball that had rolled off to the side, as gyuvin lets out, "am i dead? you look like an angel..." he trails off, feeling woozy.

the boy blushes and scratches his nape, flustered, and gyuvin belatedly realizes that

1. he's not dead
2. he just embarrassed himself in front of the love of his life

oops! at least he unintentionally said a pick up line.

the boy offers a hand and pulls gyuvin to his feet. gyuvin stares, starry eyed, at his future husband, who stares back at gyuvin with a shy smile on his face.

they are snapped out of their trance when someone from the basketball court yells, "yo ricky! what's taking you so long?" his name is ricky.

"jeez, gunwook." gyuvin's future boyfriend mumbles under his breath. "be back in a sec!" he calls back.

ricky tucks the basketball under his arm and says to gyuvin, "give me your phone."

gyuvin blinks several times. "what?"

"just give me your phone!" gyuvin clumsily fishes his phone out of his pocket and hands it to ricky, who types in his phone number. gyuvin pinches himself. did he just get his new crush's phone number? never mind, thank god for that basketball that flew at his head at 300km/h and almost gave him a concussion.

ricky hands the phone back to gyuvin. "i'm ricky. also, i live next door. call me?" he shoots gyuvin a smile and doesn't wait for an answer before running back to his friends.

gyuvin, who has still not processed everything that happened, and head still throbbing from the basketball, watches, silently thanking whatever motivated him to practice today.

a/n: sorry this is so short oops


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