001 | escape

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I put all my strength against the big metal door, my breathing heavy as I opened the door. Just as I started running I heard one of the guards scream "NUMBER 423 ESCAPED". I start running as fast as I can on my bare foot, the tasks wood cracking under me as I run. I had no idea were I was or where I was going, all I knew is that I had to get away from this place.

I could hear the alarms going off from some miles away. My legs were already tired and my head felt like exploding. But I couldn't stop till I got away from them.

I could hear footsteps running after me. Me being clingy stumbles over a big branch.


The guard grabbed me by tightly by the waist. He starts whispering in my ear "there will be waiting a big punish- FUCK" I kicked him hard in his private part. He stumbles and falls hard hard on the ground. He groans and starts screaming at me.




I run as fast as I can. The guards probably all took their own way when finding me. Bad for them, lucky for me.

I could still hear him screaming at me from afar.



After what felt like hours of running I saw a street, it was empty and had this creepy vibe.

I walked at the side of the street in the forest. Since I'll never know if they show up, and If they did it would be easier to hide.


I was dehydrated and hungry. I didn't know how late it was but the sun was rising so it must be at least 6 in the morning.

After walking for I don't know how long I saw a light in the distance, a car. This was my opportunity, I stood in the middle of the street waving towards the car.

The car slowed down and stopped right in front of me. From the front window I could see it was an old man, probably in his 60's. I give him a small smile and walk towards the car, he rolls down the window.

"Yes, How may I help you?" He asked with his raspy voice.

"Hello sir, can u please give me a ride?" I ask. He zones out for a second, probably thinking 'who the fuck is this random girl asking me to give her a ride'

"Of course, take a seat." He unlocks the door and I take a seat.

He holds out his hand towards me and I take it "Theodore, Theodor Elrod. But you can call me Theo." He says with a small smile. He looks at me like he's waiting for me to say something.

Wait do I say my name now?


Ain't no way I'm telling him my last name.

"Nice to meet you Roxy" he says and shakes my hand.

I got my name from my friend, number 367. But I call her rose because she's just as pretty as one

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