002 | new start..?

68 5 0

We walked into the hotel, it was quiet and there were no people in the lobby. The lobby looked fancy and cold, there was a man sitting at the desk with his eyes locked to the screen in front of him.

As his eyes look up to see us his eyes widen. "Billie fucking Eilish?!" He screamed-whispered.

"Did you dye ur hair blond? Oh and can I have a photo with you? How is the album going?"

Theo looked at me, confused. Well ur not the only confused one Theo. I just stood there, awkwardly. Theo cleared his throat "uhm I'm sorry to disappoint you but this isn't Billie Eilish, I think."

The man's eyes go to Theo, looking at him like he just noticed him and then goes back to looking at me. "Oh, I'm so sorry you look really like that woman, except her hair is brown." He rambles. I just nod.

Theo interrupted the awkward silence, "Can this lady get a room please?" He said softly.

"Of course" the man says with a half-hearted smile.

As Theo and the man where talking I took in my surroundings, just next to the big glass door there was a lounge with a small table. The other side of the big glass door was the desk, where I was standing.

The man has a blue shirt on with a name tag, Alex. Oh so that's his name. His brown hair is brushed to the side neatly, he taps his fingers on the desk while still talking to Theo.

Rose also used to tap her fingers, she would tap it on the diner table or on the dresser, literally anywhere she could. She mostly did it when she was anxious like the time we sat at the diner table. We either got nothing or something nasty, and if you didn't eat it you would get the same for the next day.

Theo taps my shoulder making clear that he's done with the conversation he was having with Alex. I follow him as we walk up the wooden stairs with a red carpet in the middle of the stairs. We were both silent, but I didn't mind since it was a comfortable silence and not a awkward one.

As we arrive at the room he unlocks the room and walks in, "Looks pretty nice" he turns his head looking at me, "come in."


Right now I was sitting on a small sized bed, it's been some hours later since I arrived at the hotel. Theo is right it does look pretty nice, it has this clean scent and plain white walls. Next to the bed there is a wooden nightstand with a small lamp on it. There is also a small modern kitchen and a soft dark blue-grayish couch with some pillows on it matching the vibe.

I haven't really explored the room much, only thing I did do far is looking around and sitting on my bed getting stuck into my own thoughts. That's what I normally do to get away from the boredom. I think about everything and everyone, like how the man mentioned someone named Billy Eyelash, I think that's her name, I don't remember.

I decide to stand up and look around. I put my hand on the wooden counter, there's a lot of fucking wood here as I noticed. I open the fridge. There's some fruit, snacks and drinks. I grab an apple and wash it before taking a bite. That's when I realized how hungry I am. I haven't eaten or drinked something for hours.

While eating my apple I open a door, a closet. I open the door next to it, a bathroom. I put my apple core into the trash bin and walk into the bathroom.

I stare at myself in the mirror, I look less dead from where I was first. But I could still see the big dark circles under my eyes. I sigh staring into my own winter blue eyes.

I remember Rose once saying 'eyes so deep I could stare into them forever' I couldn't tell if she was being serious or trying to be funny. I smile at my own thoughts, but my smile fades fast away after remembering I had to leave her there. At that horrible place. But I had to get away from there, there'd be no way I would be staying there any longer.

When I have a plan and weapons ill get her out of there. Ill get everyone out of there. Telling the police won't do anything. I think back about how that girl escaped and asked the police for help, the police didn't care nor did they believe her. She was homeless for months after getting found and killed. At least those are the rumors.

I get out my thoughts and walk out of the bathroom closing the door and deciding to get a glass of water.


I feel the hot sun sneaking between the curtains slowly crawling onto my face. I open my eyes and immediately regretting it and squinting them.

After some minutes of just laying there with a blank mind I get up walking straight to the bathroom and taking a shower.

After washing my hair and body with this amazing smelling soap I get out, wrapping a towel around my body.

This literally feels like royal treatment, first the soap, then the soft towel. Theres even a soft carpet in front of the sink.

After having breakfast from the fruit and snacks in the fridge. I'm finally ready to go for a morning walk.

I walk downstairs seeing Alex sitting at the desk, "Good morning sir" I wave at him. "Good morning, oh and just call me Alex" he says with a smile on his face. "Okay si- Alex!, have a good day!" I shout. I hear him chuckle as I walk out the door.


After walking for almost a hour I decide to take a break, I take a seat on the bench and take in my surroundings. There was a small lake with some ducks and two kids feeding them bread. The bench I was sitting on was under a tree so there was some shadow, since it was extremely hot.

I'm wearing a tank top that Theo gave me, he says that it's from his daughter, Sally. I'm still wearing the same sweatpants from yesterday.

I keep my eyes on the two kids, I remember me and Rose we were both six and were allowed to go to the garden for the first time. We were both really excited even tho the garden was closed with a fence and we couldn't escape. It's just when you've been inside for so long you just have to go outside. Me and rose went for a walk and talked about whatever came to our mind. She's was the sweetest girl and still is. I love her with all my heart and I'm gonna make sure she's gonna get out of there fast.

Someone snaps me out of my thoughts when I hear them gasp. "Billie Eilish?" A young girl asks. "I-uhm no sorry, that's not me."

She looks confused and gets out her phone showing me a photo, of.. me? Wait that's not me. I furrow my eyebrows, looking at the screen.

The girl looks exactly like me. Expect for the hair.

What the fuck?

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