003 | strange girl

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Zoe's POV

The sun was standing high as it was almost 11pm. There was a peaceful breeze going thru my hair. I was taking a walk in the park. I saw two kids leaving after feeding the ducks some food. There was a young girl walking the opposite direction of me and there was someone sitting on the bench, wait Billie?

Did she dye her hair again? And it was shorter than it normally was, I thought she said she wouldn't cut it. And she didn't even tell me, rude. I scoff opening IMessage sending her a message.

You dyed ur hair again? 😭

Bil: nope
Bil: it's still poopy brown like you said

Ohh damn okay
It's just I thought I saw you sitting somewhere in the park

Bil: in the park?😭
Bil: girl I can't even walk somewhere without getting flooded with questions and paparazzi


Bil: what the fuck

Ur lost twin😂


I chuckle walking over to the girl, before I could even say something she said "if you think I'm that celebrity, no I'm not"

"Oh, uhm you don't even look that much like her." She nods

Such a good liar am I

"Can I sit next you?" She nods

I look down at my phone, 12 new messages from Bil. I sigh. Do I start a conversation? I'm not sure.

I clear my throat breaking the awkward silence between us. "So, what's ur name?" "Roxy." She says not making eye contact.

"Mines Zoe." I say even tho she didn't ask. She nods in response.

I observe the strange girl, her blond hair and ice blue eyes. Is it even possible to look exactly like someone without even trying?

It was silent, between us it was awkwardly silent. I could hear the birds chirp and the leaves slowly moving with the wind, which was comforting. I've always loved nature. I love walks and just listen to the nature doing their own thing.

"Sooo.. how are you doing?" I ask awkwardly while glancing over to her. "I'm okay." She says flat out.

Damn girl there's no need to be rude.

I look over to wheres she's staring at, the ducks. The ducks are eating the leftovers from the bread that the two kids feeded them.

"Uh okay, I have to go. Was nice meeting you." I say not wanting to continue this conversation. Maybe she's just frustrated? Let's just hope that and that's she's not a spoiled bitch.

I stand up walking away, turning my head around one more time making eye contact with her. I notice the big eye bags under her eyes, she probably just had a bad night.

I turn my phone on seeing 2 missed calls from Billie. I don't think this is that much of a deal, except for the paparazzi part. They will find her soon enough, and then the whole fucking world will know.

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