009 | explain

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I clear my throat quickly turning off the computer, "I-uh just curious." I chuckle nervously.

"Curious about where to buy a gun?" He rose his eyebrows. "What are you gonna do, shoot me?" He says raising his tone.

"No-Theo, I wouldn't do that-"

"Then why where you 'curious' to know where to buy a fucking gun" he gritted his teeth.

How could I mess up the only friendship I have right now.

"I think I should go."

"Wait Theo no, I can explain." I sigh

But do I want to explain it?

Do I want to tell my biggest secret?

My biggest fear.

He turns back around and I notice a necklace around his neck

What the fuck?

Why haven't I noticed that before.

He follows my eyes and quickly puts the necklace into his shirt.

I rose my eyebrows.

That symbol looked a little too much like the symbol from where I got kidnapped from.

"Explain." He says flatly

I cut him off "Where'd you get that necklace from." I stare at him.

"From Rose, now explain."

How am I supposed to explain that I killed people.

How do I explain that I got taken away from my family right when I got born.

If I was him I wouldn't have believed me.

"Yeah-uhm maybe not here?"

He nods and starts walking towards the door without saying anything, I just follow him.

We both sit in the car and put on our seatbelts. He puts on the car and starts driving back towards his house.

"I promise I wouldn't shoot anyone" I mumble.

Unless it's necessary.

The car drive is awkwardly silent, a little bit too silent.

I clear my throat, and look at Theo that's focusing on the road. "Theo, I'll explain everything to you, I promise. As long as you won't tell anyone." He ignores me and keeps his eyes on the road.

Dude you could at least give me a nod as answer.

After some minutes we arrive back at his home, i furrow my eyebrows and so does Theo. Why is there a random car parked right in front of his house. The car is black with red details and tinted windows, but you could easily see that there was someone in.

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