011 | Rose

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Roxy POV

I pack my bag, knife? Check. Rope, check. I make sure I have everything in my bag and close it. I couldn't get a gun, why? Theo has been staying home.

I slowly open my window making sure I don't make any noise, can't wake up Theo you know.

You probably wonder what I'm doing right now.

Well I'm going to rescue Rose and get the fuck out of here. I've found that necklace, I've been asking Theo all about it and he didn't know 'where it came from'.

Lots of stuff has been happening these days, I found out Theo is a murder from Billie. Theo's daughter is dead, at least that's what he says. He told me she's been dead for 4 years because of suicide.

There's something really wrong and I don't want to be involved in any of his shit.

"Hey" I say sitting down in the black dodge challenger.

Your also probably wondering why I'm in Billies car right now. Well she's going to help me rescue Rose, and by rescuing I mean staying in the car as I get Rose.

After I found that necklace I told her and her family everything. Yes, in detail. After that Billie showed proof that Theo is a murder. She gave me her extra phone and we've been texting ever since, I don't know if her parents know that she's out at three am midnight helping me rescuing some girl.


"Wait where do I park tho." Billie asks

"Just at the side of the road"

"And what if my car gets stolen" I shrug, "I mean there isn't really a parking place nearby."

She groans "I'll just park it by the closest shop"

"Stop" Billie stops the car in the middle of the road and looks at me "what?"

"Here is it, I mean we do have to walk a little bit tho."

She nods "we just went by a small shop so I'll park the car there."

I get my backpack out of the car, "look" Billie shows a gun. "How- where the hell did u get that."

"Always be prepared if something happens" she makes phew phew noises acting like she's going to shoot. "Yeah right, now watch out before you actually shoot something."

She rolls her eyes putting the gun in her pocket "I won't"

"This way."

Billie groans "my legs hurt" she complains. I rose my eyebrow "we have been walking for five minutes"

"Are you sure because it feels like hours."

I shake my head in disbelief "we're almost there"

After some time of walking I start to see a building which makes me stop. "Is that it?"

I nod slowly "okay let's go then" she starts walking.

"Bitch there is ton of security there you can't just walk in."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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