005 | we finally meet

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When me and Theo met for the first time he talked about about a lot, and told a lot of story's. Like when he met this popular band that I don't even remember the name of. Or when he told me he got a hamster at 14 but he died for a stupid reason which he couldn't even remember.

He also told me about his wife, Rose. How her olive freckled skin would shine in the sun and how her thick curly hair used to be chaotic in the mornings. But it was the little things that he loved about her. Of course also the big things, but especially the small things.

He also told me how Rose didn't want to die and begged the doctors crying to keep her alive. But they couldn't, and she couldn't accept that her time was over.

You know what Rose and my friend Rose have in common? Their name is both Rose and both wanna live. They both wanna grow up old and watch their kids grow up. They both want to see their child's first tooth growing or how they made their first drawing ever.

Now they also have something uncommon. Theo's wife never got to experience that and Rose didn't experienced it, yet. And the only chance she will experience it if I save her from that place.

Theo also told me about a really beautiful view which is some minutes away. So right now I'm trying to find it. It's really hot and I'm wearing a black hoodie. It's not like I have lots of clothes, so far I only wore the clothes from Sally.

I really want to meet Sally sometime, she seems nice. Theo told me a lot about her, and so far I think we have a lot in common.

I stop walking putting my hand in front of my forehead like a cap. It's so fucking hot.

I start walking again after taking in my surroundings, some minutes more and I'm at that 'view' Theo told me about.

My head glances towards the black van that is now riding slowly next to me. The window rolls down,
"Do you need a ride..


My eyes widen, him.
I quickly start running away from Lucas. Yes Lucas. A guard from where I escaped. They are getting me, they won't stop until they found me. And the fact is that it's so easy to find me because of all the photographers from some days ago.

I look back seeing that Lucas stepped out of the car and now is running after me. I quickly run into the woods trying to remember where that 'view' place was.

I see a open place between the trees and a black car, I quickly hide behind the car. I feel my heart pounding out of my chest and my hands are sweaty. Out of all the days he could have chosen to get me he decides to take the hottest day.

I hear voices from some miles away, I turn my head around seeing 3 girls sitting with the back towards me.

"ROXY" i hear him shouting, Making me and the girls snap their heads towards the sound. I look back at them trying to make clear that they have to shut up. I observe them, and then I see her. It feels like I'm looking right at myself.

My eyes widen and I look away trying to see if Lucas gave up on finding me.

"ROXY" he shouts again, but from closer. One of the girls stand up going towards the man. Wait isn't that the girl from the park.

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