007 | emotions are for children

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Billies POV

"What do you mean I might have a twin sister." I whisper-yell towards my parents. Maggie and Patrick both awkwardly look at each other. Finneas looks shocked of the current news we just got.

I thought we would have a normal dinner time like in the past, not that I'm getting to know that I have a twin sister that died but maybe also didn't die.

"So like, Roxy may be our sister?" Finneas asks. Maggie nods trying not to cry.

"I'm sorry sweethearts, I should've said it sooner, but I thought she died. At least that's what the doctor said. I don't know if it's her, but if it is we really really have to do something about this." Maggie explains


Roxy's POV

We both sit in the living room, Billie and the man on the couch and me sitting on the opposite side on the smaller couch.

The man clears his throat, "I'm Finneas by the way, Billies brother." I shake his hand, "Roxy."

"I know." He says awkwardly.

Why does everyone know my name.

I stare both at them, and then looking back awkwardly.

I am not starting the conversation.

What did they mean with family?

I mean when I escaped I didn't think about my family. I thought they died.

The guards said they were dead, that they shot them.

I remember crying for days even tho I didn't know them. Kids would get kidnapped at a older age and tell me story's about their parents and their life. It felt so lonely being in those kinda conversations because I never knew them.

Finneas clears his throat, "so uhm. Our mom told us about how Billie has a twin, or had. We still aren't sure. So this happened...

...and yea thats basically it." He tells the whole story in detail explaining everything.

"But if Billies twin is dead what does this have to do with me?" I ask him curiously.

"That's the problem, there was never a clear explanation about how she died or when, she just died. At least that's what the doctors said."

Why does this kind of make sense? Billies twin 'dies' in the process of the pregnancy, I get kidnapped and never knew my parents.

It could be true, but do I want to believe this?

Do I want this to happen?

Do I want to get to know them and start a life with people I never knew?


I wake up from the hard mattress feeling the cold breeze going over my body. I could still feel the tears staining on my face from yesterday night.

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